One more, and that's it....

in blurtnews •  4 months ago 

I'm no longer going around in circles in the insane asylum, feeling fucking nuts for pointing out common sense, basic economics and trying to apply critical thinking.


crazy pills.gif

DPoS will fail.
Sooner rather than later, I hope.

I won't be answering any posts after this one.

(you might get some acerbic copy pastes though).

Any posts I DO write hereon, will be meme one liners, using stoic/Nietzscheian(and other philosophies) using them as a piss taking reference to blurt, dpos and the accounts who choose defend the dpos system.

You know, the ones who are like, weally, weally cwever (not like those stoopid philosophers)...

My fight is destroying the credibility of DPoS.

– which is not exactly difficult tbh, not when you have the stout defenders of it stating things like 'DPoS is stakeholder capitalism - and stop complaining about us paying lazy people over work ethically minded content creators', or... 'dpos blockchain is good, it's just people that don't understand it'
(I'm still reeling – and laughing at that - what must only be a masochistically motivated psychological self undressing)

If anyone want to chat with me, my email is open.

My friends have confidentially, my enemies, none at all.

Good luck to all the genuine, intelligent, hard working, non commies on this platform.

I would highly suggest powering down and extracting the wealth from the parasites, before the token price goes to zero.

When reality meets economic/social engineering delusions - reality always wins
...the other dpos platform are all in the 90% reduction range *from ATH, in value to.

....No 'smell off coffee' permeating thought that mildly psychotic wall of delusion, yet?

Just because the rest of the world says 'fuck off, we ain't interested in your authoritarian, top down fundamentally broken dpos system' – it doesn't mean they are correct!...

Amirite ?.lol

smaller version small gif.gif

Not in commie world at least.

'they just don't get it' – the mantra of every basement dweller coder and the mentally docile sheep who think communism will satisfy their lust for control, or replace the daddy figure, or in the futile attempt to resolve their suppressed mummy issues.
Cowards hide from their own internal reality, the courageous ones deal with it and face it head on.

So enjoy my non interactive 'really deep' one liner examinations from the wise people of history - and their piss taking relevance to blurt and the defenders of such a system (and all dpos in general).

I'll continue to keep being a thorn in the side of idiots until DPoS collapses, causing as much psychological pain as I can, by using truths and humor in an attempt to crack the mildly psychotic state that any commie or totalitarian lover psyche, must be in.

I take no pleasure in giving out the psychological the pain ('cruelty' is not sadism).

I will take great pleasure in witnessing the implosion of a economically retarded, philosophically corrupt, and psychologically abusive, construct.

I will take even greater pleasure in doing my bit in speeding up this inevitable process.

My enemy is the construct, not the accounts.

If any accounts wish to step up and defend the putrid construct, that's on them.


“If you invite a bear to dance, the bear decides when the dance is over”

This is not financial advice, it's mental health advice...

Power down and get the fuck out of this psychologically toxic environment.

To the mentally retarded and megalomaniac individuals (probably both from what I've witnessed), enjoy your group psychosis – the cult of DPoS.
Yes, it really is - by most definitions.

Enjoy your circle jerk echo chambers.
You all know you're just soooooooooo clever, amirite?'s people that 'just don't get it', yeah?...

I hope that if reality ever breaks though those delusional walls you've erected (necessary to BE in such a state) it isn't so painful that you are permanently damaged.
The longer you stay in this dpos, psychologically abusive environment - the more you run the risk of this permanent damage, happening.

Good luck to ALL you genuine freedom fighters – keep posting, and keep extracting the wealth before collapse.

(taking from the parasites in society is a very noble and ethically sound, endeavour).

I would also like to say 'good luck' to all the brain dead commies, the supporters of stakeholder capitalism, and to those geniuses that see things that the rest of us 145+ IQ morons, 'just don't get it'.

I'd like to say that, but I won't – because I'm not a liar.

Enjoy my 'thorn in the side of idiots', memes !

They're gonna be fun.
Or painful.

Idgaf O'Really, signing off...
oh, my last 'non meme post' coming up !
have a teaser first.....
My hypothesis;

Mentally unwell, and emotionally weak individuals who are very egocentric can be led by the nose to act as you want - they just need pointers...

fishing.gif really couldn't make this up if you tried...hilarious...

“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, and intolerable...”

― H.L. Mencken, Prejudices: Third Series

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  ·  4 months ago  ·  
  ·  4 months ago  ·  

i knoooooooooooooooooooow...lolol...bless....

Now get in yer hammock, and do something useful ! lolol