My reply to @erh.germany - She's inspired me to get rapey - thank you ! (and helping me to re-asses my own moral hierarchy)..

in blurtnews •  9 months ago 

This will be my last post about this subject.

I'm not taking the crazy pills any longer.

crazy pills.gif

Trying to talk logic, to the illogical.
Trying to talk in terms of critical thinking to those determined to think subjectively..
Trying to apply first principles to those determined to not accept first principles as a basis of rational discussion. (because to do so, would cause ego pain).

It's tiring, it sucks my soul of energy, and my 'lust for life' - it's just not worth the effort (an 'exercise in futility' rarely is).
Saying that, her comments have also inspired me.

See my post(s) later today, about how she inspired me to feel all 'rapey*' - motivated (very much) by this discussion between myself and erh.gemrany.
No misogyny, 'ism's' or 'ist's' are involved!

*intentionally used this word to trigger libtards and But it also kinda fits - in a very metaphorical coming up!


This is the latest reply from @erh.germany, to my pointing out THE BLEEDING FUCKING OBVIOUS

(.....that being that the primary occupation - the most noble - is farming, and needs to be regarded as such.
Nothing happens in society without farming coming first, and if we kept that FACT in our psyches, it would result in much better societal perception and thus, a better hierarchy of values).

@ert.germany then spends hours trying to mentally twist reality to fit her narrative ( an ego compulsion borne from....?...well... I'll get to that later..).
....things such as ........'transport is also primary occupation'
(just like farming, apparently)...seriously?'....

This was the reply to my last critical appraisal of THIS word salad, (link to word salad, and the convo, below).



What you're doing is stating the obvious and then finding it intelligent..


Stating the obvious is intelligent.

The obvious is where first principles of debate originate.
(this is why wannabe postmodern intellectuals hate first principle's - it keeps things clear and simple).

Using postmodern subjectivism to defend the ego, however - especially when in a logically incoherent position, is the opposite of this - i.e it's overly complex, and stupid.

@ert.germany then goes off on a non relevant tangent about me living off grid and buying aeroplane tickets, and things...
(you can read it for yourself, in the link above..)

MY REPLY (again), to such tangents....

Whataboutism again ?...
Seriously ? critical thinking tip (and one the ego is very blind to)....when you're digging a hole to nowhere, the best thing to do is to stop digging)...
Whataboutism responses of the counteraccusation variety are considered logical fallacies. As a form of tu quoque (Latin: “you also”) argument, they divert attention from the original criticism of a person, country, organization, or idea by returning the same criticism in response, but they have no bearing on the truth value of the original accusation. Tu quoque arguments directed specifically at individuals constitute a species of ad hominem fallacy.

...if it helps break your delusions any, I have lived off grid for weeks, and been perfectly happy - sorry to break that FACT to the decadent mindset of the soft, western delusional, entitled female...



You see, you're so keen to paint me as having a problem with my ego that I have to believe it's the other way round. LoL

You have no choice but to believe that.
(I have been pointing it out (not very subtly imo), quite a lot recently.
The point of doing that was to open to the door to the opportunity for self reflection (and, failing that, confirmation to my own theory that the ego doesn't can't reflect, it simply reacts 'in the now').
I don't have to paint anything - you are expressing it openly to everyone yourself.

The ego compulsion is to never be wrong shown in this discussion of arguing against reality (when YOUR intellect is more than capable of comprehending the actual truth of the arguments posited)....this is an example of you exhibiting the ego compulsion .

...interesting factoid, in a (german) study of over 1/4 of a million people, my 'egotism rating' was in the bottom 5% of people interviewed...funny that...

I ENJOY being wrong - it gives me an opportunity to learn more.

...See the difference?....('tiny' ego V's 'large' ego?)

If you're weren't so old (this mental phenomenon generally diminishes with age) - you'd 'tick' many of the boxes, of the traits associated with a high functioning (intelligent) high ego'd, BPD'er.

(borderline personality disorder).

The definitions of what BDP is (according to the DSM manual) is bollocks in my opinion.
The traits however, remain.

I think BPD is more of a case of it not being a personality disorder (whatever the fuck that really means) - but a clash of internal drives or unconsciousness's.
BPD presents much higher in females than males.
Is it because females have far more logical inconsistencies to deal with ? (muh feminism, and all that)...Dunno, but it's seems a legit theory. it simply the psychological pain brought on by the internal psychological clash, of the indoctrinated delusions of decadent cultures (the west for the last 150 years), V's the reality of life and nature's laws?

....I can't for the life of me work out why hordes of men are now fleeing 'the insane' western female to hook up with sane, hot, Asian girlies....hmmm....

Another interesting factoid:
Mental health professionals who treat those with BPD, have to to rotate between patients very regularly. Why?... because of the mental toll it takes on those professionals while trying to connect logically, with those exhibiting BPD traits.
It literally drives them - the mental health professionals - nuts, if they don't rotate between different patients...

I know this feeling myself (all too well) from having relationships with people exhibiting these traits.
....I started to 'get this tickle' on these series of posts/discussion threads, which is why this post will be the last on the subject.
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....(unless in a totally humorous, mocking, piss taking manner - as that can be quite therapeutic! )



The larger the ego, the harder it is to reconcile any cognitive dissonance. The ego, if left unchecked - will always be compelled to be 'right'.

It's what the ego is.
It's just 'doing its job' from 'it's' standpoint - doing it's best, as 'it' see's it.
'It' is trying to protect the present 'self' by using an old operating syste....which are emotional reactions triggered by past memories and experiences then used as a template for gauging and handling, 'the present' situation.
(the ego can 'hijack' the intellect in those who are higher functioning, to try and use it as a weapon).


Stop digging .

It's not pretty. Nor mentally healthy (for you).
On a personal note - I much prefer seeing the sane, non ego compelled, erh.germany - she's sexy and fun!..

If this comment causes irritation, anger, or you feel triggered - It might just be your ego, feeling compelled to defend itself.

Coming up !

How erh.germany has inspired me to accept my 'rapey', side.

....metaphorically speaking, you emotionally retarded snowflakes (I just enjoy using the word to trigger psychological weaklings).

...And I'll show you how (through this current series of posts and discussions, with the swim into insanity) @erh.germany has allowed me to re-asses my own hierarchy of values in this 'rapey' regard...thanks hun @erh.germany (sincerely).

(here's a clue...)

social justice - Copy - Copy (4).jpg
....Re-assessing - or rather, clarifying to myself - one of my own moral hierarchical hypocrisies/paradox's/conundrums...

....noticed how I crossed out the warm communicative adjective and then replaced it with the cold account name?
...I wouldn't want to offend or cause feelings of harassment...(I feel so goddamn virtuous now!)

fs - Copy (3) - Copy.JPG

dio2 - Copy.jpg

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Whataboutism again ?...

would you consider it "whataboutism" to ask

why tik-tok is being singled-out

when every other major tech platform

does almost exactly the same things ?

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

...from what little I know about the tik tok saga - isn't it all about the freedom to express freely about the gaza genocide - without 'those who shall not be named', having no control over it (like X, fuckbook etc)?

Only gleaning what little bit I've read on zerohedge, tbh.

(Not really answered your question, I realize lol)

we seem to agree on the "real reasons"

i'm just trying to point out that "whataboutism" seems valid in many if not most cases where you are trying to identify a coherent principle

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

It's not about the fallacy, per se - it's about noticing it's appearance in the evolution of conversations.
This , is the linguistic marker of
a) A losing position with the need to win (ego)
b) Grasping to understand the principles.

'b' is a legitimate use of whataboutism.
Ergo, it is contextually dependent.

Poor analogy, but if Einstein used it to argue for the theory of relativity it would be 'b', for example.

Ergo, if the debator is professing/exhibiting an intelligence that would mitigate whataboutism to being 'a', that comes with the derision it deserves.

As Diogenes would say (probably)
"Don't piss on me with stupidity, and tell me it's raining wisdom"

here's an example

why would someone spend millions of dollars organizing to stop abortion

when hundreds of thousands of babies die from lack of nutrition and healthcare

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

....It's not about the fallacy, per se - it's about noticing it's appearance in the evolution of conversations....

They've been after TikTok here in the States for some time now, well before the current genocide taking place in Gaza. The story they push here is it is Chinese owned and being used to destroy the fabric of America, hah hah. China could only wish they could destroy the fabric of the nation as well as those running it into the ground for their real constituents.

In a bit of irony, China has banned TikTok from their country to avoid the crap they feed us here, hah hah.

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

....yeah, I think it's about the lack of control over it, with the gaza idiocy being 'the current banner' to wave. (I'm not really that well versed in it , tbh).

The levels of 'incompetency' shown in the US gov at the moment, cannot be put down to stupidity.
The word 'Malicious', springs to mind.'s all a cover to avoid the reality of fiat banking - their 100 (200?) or so years banking con - becoming visible/being noticed. imo.

well stated