Stupidly complaining - I repent , I repent, I tell ya's !

in blurtnews •  7 months ago 

As the wise, and totally non collectivist commie @khrom, said ....

"...The problem is not with this blockchain, the problem is with what people have in their heads..." that a case of how to tell everyone you're a commie, without telling everyone you're a commie?

"..It's not communism that's wrong, it just wasn't done right..."

So, now we've cleared that up, let me repent.

A wise and totally non collectivist commie pointed out that all I do is complain!

I was shocked, I tell ya's.


You see, all this time , back since the steem days, I thought I was pointing out all the inadequacies of DPoS blockchain.
...From the abusive system of 'rewards', to the silly one week payout, to the parasitical class earning tokens for doing nothing, to ,to, to, to...

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You get my point.
But no, it seems I've totally misjudges things.

"...The problem is not with this blockchain, the problem is with what people have in their heads..."

...By providing hundreds of posts (and hours) over the years, regarding basic economic theory, basic business ethics, and the philosophical and psychological reasons why DPoS structure was fucked, it was me complaining. stupid have I been ?


I feel so bad about myself now.

I blame all my life experiences and 15 years of studying philosophy, psychology, linguistics, etc...
Stoopid, stoopid stoopid.

Oh, and only having 4 years employment out of 37 years, the rest being self employed and having to carve out my own earnings.
Maybe if I'd been employed for longer, and looked after - I would 'get it'.
Silly, silly me.

....All this time that I've have been complaining in the hope that addressing fundamentally stupid problems head on - so as to be able to fix the problems effectively - was just whining !
I was under the old fashioned idea that you fix problems by addressing them

My ignorance of the collectivist commie systems and their historical successes only led to me complaining !

I've been complaining so badly - and for so long in fact - that I'm not truly worthy of benefiting from such a well designed and brilliant system.

How could I have been so blind?

So, and as a way to repent for my transgressions against much wiser people than myself (and who don't complain), I will unload any earnings from my posts on blurt as fast possible, irrelevant of the price.

....This will then enable all those who truly deserve to reap all the benefits from such a fantastically designed, economically robust system (the non complainers), the fantastic opportunity to buy the tokens cheaply , and cash in later.

It's the very least I can do, after all the complaining....

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Not only that, I will start to delete all my complaining posts and I might copy paste them (and relevant comments) - onto a sub stacks account.

That way, the other stupid people who use a totally different system of values (work ethics, etc), will be able to use my mistakes and rush into buying blurt, making the wise people who truly understand how good the system is, even richer.

I feel it's the least I can do on my road to finding forgiveness for all my complaining.
(sorry, oh wise people of blurt, my work ethic is still ingrained... I'm working on it, ok?..please forgive me)..

After I've deleted the posts, I will then show the rest of the world how stupid they are, by posting excerpts of an amazon published book, and show everyone how much better it is to have your material upvoted for seven days, rather than have it perpetually available for purchase.
Silly, silly me.
.....possibly a 'pulp fiction' style, short stories product, so as to compare with the 'non product posts' on blurt, you know the ones that garner such high value up votes....stoopid lucylin, How could I have not seen that low info, low effort, zero work ethic material is the best and most intelligent way forwards to build a platform ???.....fuck, I'm dim...

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By doing is that way, the comparisons can be clearly seen, and all the other stupid people who 'just don't get it' - like myself - will then see how brilliant DPoS is, and come flocking - making all the much wiser people than myself -who DO get it - even richer!

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I apologize in advance to all the much wiser people than myself who decide the future of blurt, for using work ethics and putting so much effort into this post...
I'm not complaining, honest!

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every ideology has its advantages and disadvantages

Communism is a political and economic system that seeks to create a classless society in which the major means of production, such as mines and factories, are owned and controlled by the public. There is no government or private property or currency, and the wealth is divided among citizens equally or according to individual need.


Communism has not worked anywhere, although in theory it has more advantages than disadvantages, capitalists from WEF have noticed this so they use communist ideas to rob the rest of everything they have.

Yes, it's all about who has what in their minds/heads and what their intentions are. Here is my favorite communist manifesto

  ·  7 months ago  ·  
  ·  7 months ago  ·   (edited)

lololol - do know I was being Machiavellian?

....I'm naturally shit at it - far too straight talking - but learning.

Good to know you don't mind crossing specifically explicit requests, though.
Feel entitled?
....A link to vids ? - it's a psychological trait - the breaking of boundaries -This behavior can indicate the presence of some dark psychological landscapes.

...thanks for playing, matey....this whole Machiavellian schtick isn't gonna be as hard as I thought !