My reply to @khrom....

in blurtnews •  8 months ago 

This is a comment I left on a post of his , earlier...

"This has nothing to do with any new 'market place', (in regards to a convo I had with @drutter previously)...just a conversation from previous conversations.
You need people for market to work.
There are no people, nor will there ever be, just a diminishing ecosystem built around corrupt practices (in the psychological sense).

I can say with 99% certainty the reason for DPoS NEVER working as it is now - is the psychological abuse that comes from the very way it's built.
If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, and talks like a duck, the chances are - it's a friggin' duck.

If the mechanics of platform empower and encourage the negative dark aspects of the human psyche - most mentally healthy individuals will find it repugnant.
....and the masochists among us, with a sense of morals and ethics, will hang around trying to alter something that that those in power have no incentive to alter.
( moral structures that are incongruent with societies values in general, or just personality disorders, whatever).
No matter the reason, it's basically fucked.

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This are his comments (with my replies).

If you are talking about greed, venality and the desire for power, there is no need to encourage anything.

I'm not.

and the fact that you cannot moderate and remove someone's content...

This is untrue.
Accounts can be deleted/made unvieweable, as @saboin already stated.
Please don't gaslight.

My theory is that this is why we don't have more people on Blurt, because what most attracted many people to this hive was the same opportunity to moderate and condemn.

Ah, now you're getting warmer....

This gave many people the motivation to invest heavily in hive or steem. And this is especially true for the wealthy, whose basic aspirations, such as meeting their basic needs, have long been satisfied and were replaced by higher-level aspirations, i.e. the desire to exercise power over others. my last post, 2 posts....

As for shareholding, wars for control over the platform or manipulation, in virtually every joint-stock company, such as FB, you also have this, with the difference that only a select few take part in it and the users of the platform have not the slightest chance for anything because they are goods and not co-creators. and co-owners.

Irrelevant ( in context of my points).

Also, what you accuse Dpos is happening in virtually every larger company and corporation that has issued its shares. And you are completely wrong that this is something bad.

Please don't do that - false equivalency. (you're too intelligent, I think)
This has nothing to do with my points regarding the psychology.

this is the most natural system where people who are involved in something benefit from it just from the fact that it is developing and can decide who will manage it and what decisions will be made.

With no moral philosophy congruent with the rest of societal norms (meritocracy etc), it never works .
See every lefty commie authoritarian construct in history. ....Unless, of course 'this time, you think it's different '?

The DPos system is basically just a combination of company shareholders known from classic companies, together with currency and a social platform in such a way that EVERYONE who writes and creates something here can derive long-term benefits from their efforts and speak out on important issues for this place.

No it's not.

But also, of course, the risk for the entire platform, which in practice should motivate you to take care of what is in the common interest of everyone here and fight against things that are not in your interest.

DPoS is not in anyone's interest if they value long held traditions of hard work, and merit NOT being rewarded, while nepotism and laziness IS. (socialist principles).

Please don't insult mine (or your own) intelligence, by saying this is not the case.
.....Getting warmer on the premise of psychological abuse being part of the DPoS architecture, though...

If Blurt one day becomes a platform the size of Twitter, you will become rich and if it fails, you will lose everything. Just like in practically EVERY business, in every company and every venture that humanity undertakes.

I'm already very rich, and will lose virtually nothing if when it fails....This is NOT a business in any meaningful way.

For example, if you are involved in the operation of an eco-settlement and, for example, grow vegetables for your own use without chemicals, but one person from the settlement decides to start fighting weeds with Roundup, which will not only contaminate your crops but also poison the groundwater, including the water in the well from which you draw drinking water. The project will suffer a big loss, so what will you do with such a person?

If the person owns the settlement?..not a lot you can do, is there ?

If a person behaves in ways that are not merit based and owns the settlement ?
Not a lot you can do is there?

If the person owns the settlement and has the IQ of an amoebae?
Not a lot you can do , is there?

If the person owns the settlement and pays off lazy people because they offer no disruption to his siphoning off profits?
Not a lot you can do, is there?

You will probably get together and kick this person out of the community because they have harmed the project. But not all community members will have the same voice. The decisive word will always belong to the people most involved in the project. Even if you maintain the appearance of equality, the fact is that people who are more involved usually have greater influence and greater obedience, so they can convince the rest by citing, for example, the fact that they have been fighting for 10 years to build this settlement and this person in 1 day did so much damage.

Only applies if intelligence is the prerequisite of forming the settlement.
Intelligence= sound moral philosophy, and integrity in it's execution.
I see no evidence of intelligence on any DPoS platform.
I see 'Everest size mountains' of the exact opposite, and continually.

tyra mic drop.gif

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  ·  8 months ago  ·   (edited)

This is untrue.
Accounts can be deleted/made unvieweable, as @saboin already stated.
Please don't gaslight.

but only by the decision of the "top witnes" through the fork, and not by any subordinate admin or moderator as on 99% of web2 sites. It must be possible to delete accounts, because there are people such as pedophiles, murderers and rapists. Another issue is that everything programming and electronic can be removed and changed.

With no moral philosophy congruent with the rest of societal norms (meritocracy etc), it never works .
See every lefty commie authoritarian construct in history. ....Unless, of course 'this time, you think it's different '?

And who said it is a meritocracy? It is rather a mix of plutocracy, technocracy and democracy. Money and free market economics rule, but also charisma and technical skills. With these three factors you can increase DPOS. And this is where the naturalness of this system lies. Since the dawn of history, humanity has been ruled by 4 factors:
money, influence, power (violence) and skills.

And society generally degraded when:

  • there was a concentration of power
  • concentration of influence and power
  • concentration of money in the hands of a few.
  • using skils to gain influence

There is no way around this. The point is that in DPos without downvotes we have eliminated one factor, i.e. strength. In addition, we have reduced the second factor, i.e. the concentration of money, which can also reduce the influence and power of others.

Of course, it is not a perfect system, but NONE is, because what we experience on the Internet depends on the Consciousness of humanity, and it does not begin and end on the Internet. So no matter how perfect the blockchain system you create, human stupidity will still corrupt and spoil it ;]

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

You can’t delete an account from the blockchain, but you can hide them from the frontend UI. This mechanism is meant to be used for compliance with privacy laws when someone wants their profile to be hidden.

We only got one request on Blurt to hide an account. That user doesn’t show up if you try to see their profile on

On Steem they used that mechanism to hide and censor the old witnesses after the Hive split.

If you go on and try to see posts or profiles from those who used to be top witnesses before the Hive split, you won’t be able to see them.

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

And the second question... can a properly configured frontend ignore this limitation?

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

Yes. Anyone can deploy his own version of the UI and change the code however he likes. The official Blurt frontend runs the code that is in that repo, but you could easily just modify the code to your liking and launch your own frontend that works the way you want it to. That's what @fervi is doing with his frontend. It's just an earlier version of this code with some modifications.

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

Thanks a lot for your answer. btw, if you could answer me in the Witness chat regarding this node configuration, I would be grateful. Regards

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

hmm, who can use this mechanism? I mean, how exactly does it work? Is this on the FE side?

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

It's directly in the code for the frontend UI.

Any account that is in this list will not show up on the frontend.

Only the last account was added on Blurt. The rest of the accounts were already there when the code was forked from Steem