My reply to @eliel ...tribaldex....And Voltaire (probably not).....

in blurtnews •  10 months ago 

The vacant forced smile and wide eyes of the libtard - seen throughout the internet (yet the puppets see more animated and alive...weird..).

Here's @eliel 's reply to my post yesterday, concerning not being able to log into tribaldex.

Sometimes something similar happens to me, it asks for login, but it doesn't log in. But I browse for example /pools, it fixes the problem.


Hi, thanks for letting me know.
(I've just tried logging in again, using your method - and no success)

Privex have not replied to me as yet, when replying to their original email to me (in reality, they only asked 'is it working now'?)
I gave them a detailed reply (browsers I used/changed while trying to access the account etc, etc.).

I will create another support ticket later.

Then I started to wonder some things, after the deathly silence from @saboin/ al...

....We all know that @megadrive (the gofer for jacob?), is in contact with 'the hive cabal' (by his own admission).

We can also be pretty sure that 'muh weally clever developers', talk to each other behind the scenes.

Imagine if @saboin/jacob was in contact/friends with, someguy123 (of privex).


Imagine if someone was pissed off and had a childish hissy fit with my account, for asking questions they would prefer not to be asked?

I think it's fair to say at this point, that we can discount any of the 'muh, free speech advocate' at this point.
Megadrives attempts to COAL list me, and then tried to freeze my account illustrated his principles and ethics, to the world...

Imagine if the little tykes 'did something', to prevent me from accessing/using tribaldex ?
..Such powerrrrr!

Imagine if EVERY SINGLE BLURT ACCOUNT, could be prevented from participating in exchanging their tokens on tribaldex, at someone's childish whim?
Imagine being able to CONTROL the 'free exchange' mechanism ? (ergo, no free exhcange at all).

Apart from pro-bit - there's really no other options.
After ionomy not providing good customer support, and not releasing 10 hive of mine, because 'it's too small an amount to be worth it' (nice uh?) - plus seeing their lack of activity on many coins - I wouldn't trust them with walking my dog - so let's leave them outta it for now, shall we...)

How safe does that make you feel with your blurt account..(and tokens)?

It doesn't look good, does it ?

Now, I'm not saying that @saboin/jacob did do this.
(I'm not saying they didn't either).

What I AM SAYING, is that I have never had this issue with tibaldex , over the years - and I AM SAYING that the post I made (just before I was denied access to by tibaldex account)... was the first time I openly critiqued @saboin/jacob.

Possibly not - We shall see.

Whether Voltaire actually said this or not....

"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize"?

It's still a truth.
(just look at the attempted censorship from TPTB in the world right now...).

NO ONE RULES OVER ME (except Luce and my two doggies, obviously)

bbt (2) - Copy - Copy.jpg

The libtard crowd, who's only god and ethical framework - is money - cannot comprehend this concept above, (the sad about being poor...).

I'll create another ticket to privex later on today if there's been no answer/resolution.

We shall see.

The fact there are other tokens sat in this/my account (not much in $ value), and that I can no longer access it - should ring some alarm bells.

When looking at the exchange, trades - I can see that many other blurt accounts who are trading actively on it - and very recently.
So it seems to be 'my issue'...
It appears to be just my access to my account.....After never having this issue before.....after the post criticizing/highlighting my thoughts -re: @saboin/jacob...
I dunno.

Here's another one liner, (not attributed to Voltaire).

'There are no coincidences, just the appearance of them...'

Hopefully the issue is resolved to I can then sell my blurt tokens.

'It's not who votes, it's who counts the votes'

It's not who has the tokens, it's who's allowed to decide if they can sell them - or not'

If it's not resolved, I'll let you know.

No one wants to feel like 'they' can cut off your access to selling your own tokens, now do they?

Trustless networks, uh?...hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
....they were right there.

..ANYONE TRUSTING smoothbrained libtards - who's feelings of powerlessness allows their emotions to dictate their actions...Is asking for trouble.
(they're also some of the easiest people to manipulate - should you wish to play that game - because of they're 'psychological simpletons')...

sexy bod.gif
'Love you long time,'s your wallet?'

Writing ideas...

How to develop my wargame/board game to appeal to the masses, rather than just for the few military history enthusiasts...(it's a question of philosophy and psychology).

How to sell to the sheep - Cutting down on consumerism makes you clever. Be clever.

How to spot human parasites, through their words and actions - the libtards worst nightmare.

Does penis size really matter?
I dunno, I've never had this insecurity - but it's good for a laugh.
....which, coincidentally is also exactly what dozens of girlies have done when I've gotten undressed...
...oh, shit....bugger...
*lucylin looks for safe space.

The sad story of westerners who 'come east', get a hottie preggers, and then lose all their money, dignity, and self esteem.
After 20 years of living in SE Asia , I've lost count of (literally!) the amount of suckers who've fell for this one...sad but true...
Well, not so sad, actually. I say good luck to the hottie, myself !...'a fool and his money are easily parted', and all that...At least it's an honest, if unequal, exchange !...( i.e...not like the crypto sphere - at all)

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I can guarantee Jacob has nothing to do with your issues. He is an interesting dude and was the final straw for why I joined. I researched into his past and found myself liking his brand of person.

Enough that I trusted him to come here after quitting Hive. One of my largest disappointments was his leaving, and I know things would have been different for you and some of the others had he remained. He was still informed of what was going on and reappeared long enough to put a stop to it.

His interests are elsewhere.

Saboin has always come across to me as being level headed, and I've never read him post anything with irritation, even when backed into corners.

I'd be more prone to believe it is something with the DEX, as I noticed many complaining of Ionomy being a scam now. I think as they continue clamping down on crypto and exchange markets we'll likely see more of these exits.

Best of luck in getting your (fake digital) coins returned.

I'll reply to your comment elsewhere in the next day or so. I'm pressed for time, but wanted to add my thoughts on why Jacob or Saboin should be ruled out as the cause of your issues.

  ·  10 months ago  ·   (edited)

Tribaldex always has problems... try using to swap and if you want to withdraw use

  ·  10 months ago  ·  

Or use the keychain extension which now has the option to swap there and withdraw using