@practicalthought points out some things ...let begin, before I finally finish

in blurtnews •  8 months ago 

There seems to be a lot of mentally ill and twisted ideologies in these parts.

...hopefully its just a temporary hiccup for those afflicted with such sickness.

micro brain lib.gif
_not using an ethically based system (that's been used in every civilization since the dawn of mankind) - to distribute rewards in an ecosystems, shows we're weally cwever. And communists....

Don't believe me?

Lets use some specific examples, and psychology, and @practicalthought's point he brings up in his reply to @khrom,...

....I might get @khrom's points later, before I say goodbye to blurt forever (in my current form) ... he's a good muse...we'll see...


Your energy/conduct reminds me some of Saboin who I respect for the same reason.

Conduct includes upvoting actions. - actions saying far more than words.

Let's dissect these 'actions' and what they say to the rest of the world, not just to the accounts on blurt....

This copy paste post is upvoted daily by the accounts shown underneath. FOR MONTHS.




Does it say - 'Copy and paste total crap each day and we will reward you with massive amounts of upvotes compared to people who DO put the hours of work and effort in needed to crate good content?'

(@blurtbooster being @megadrive, co-founder of blurt)


Does it say - 'We appreciate hard work and have a moral philosophy based on work being good, laziness being bad?'


Does it say ' you are in with the in crowd and it doesn't matter what shite you post, we will reward you anyway'

I'm using imrans post as an example, but you can see exactly the same CONDUCT across many accounts (@blurtbooster is by the far the biggest abuser of this).
It is not Imran's fault (or responsibility).

It is 100% the SOLE responsibility of those who do the upvoting.

This conduct that is easily observable to anyone who clicks on blurt for 20 mins,and who looks at the 'reward distribution'.

This CONDUCT tells the users on blurt (psychologically speaking) - work is not valued.

When the actions of those 'in power' do not align with virtually the entire worlds cultural history of a moral philosophy being 'work =good', lazy=bad', - WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF MESSAGE, DOES THAT SEND?


....not my hypotheises, this can be read about quite clearly in lots of literature - how favoritism (in children), for unearned rewards affect the psyches of the individuals receiving unearned rewards, their siblings and their peers.

It's not fucking rocket science.
It's common sense.
EVERYONE LOSES - even those receiving unearned rewards -it can be catastrophic to their mental health, to.
It's.... psychological... abuse.

Moving on....

What's that old soviet communist trope ?

"we pretend to work and you (the 'governance class'), pretend to pay us."

Please tell me how this ISN'T the ethos running through blurt - especially blurt in fact .
At least the parasite class on hive DO actually put some effort into their posts... sometimes...(for image promotion purposes, not virtuous ones,I think)

"we pretend to work and you pretend to pay us."

These points (below), are what that I gave to mariuszkarowski when discussing his support for the WEF's 'stakeholder capitalism'...
(he said how 'This blockchain is stakeholder capitalism but in a better version than WEF version'.
(he wouldn't reply when I asked him HOW it was different...hmm...)

My points...

...Reward obedience and conformity over independent voices.

....Rewards laziness, over work and effort....

....lets start with those.
...Kinda sounds just like how the old soviet union/mid to late 20th china China operated, doesn't it ?

I then went on to point out various other points...(full reply here -https://blurt.blog/blurt-194344/@lucylin/sfpzn4)

This was his reply.
Very revealing, on many levels.

'Typical communist attitude' (...hmmm...)...
'Others get upvotes and I don't. You have wasted eight years for criticizing graphene blockchains for only one reason.... lol I'm sorry for you'...

Communist attitude, uh?
See the above one liner re 'the soviet saying', then see the way votes are distributed across blurt .... based NOT on work done, but on those who pretend to...
...Hmmm...that doesn't quite add up, does it?...(bless)..

Projection much ?..
I NEVER even mentioned ' others get upvotes and I don't'.

What does this mean (from a psychoanalytical perspective)?

Well, if i never mentioned 'the upvote thing', above, it means that it came from within mariuszkarowski own mind, by defintion - the person typing it.
And probably stimulated from the unconscious - the shadow (as I will show).
I hope so, anyways.

He projected that onto me, meaning that somewhere inside his own unconscious, his moral philosophy was trying to speak.
If that moral philosophy was based in 'right = work, wrong = laziness, then it would have something to say !

The ego would then try to suppress or placate that uncomfortable voice ( if the moral philosophy above is accurate) by projecting outwards his guilt (shame) onto me.

Does @mariuszkarowski KNOW, deep down - that this is an essentially morally corrupt system, but his egocentric self won't admit to it?
I think so.
I hope so.
....the psychological pain of investing so much time, money, emotions - to then have to admit to being wrong is tough on the ego.

...If this isn't the case, and his unconscious moral philosophy DOESN'T incorporate such virtues as work = good, laziness = bad, then it means having a parasitical mindset/psyche.

MY moral philosophy says, that while parasitic/rentier mindsets are not evil per se- they are well down the road, and walking towards the full blown version of it.
Falling into the abyss and not being able (or wanting to), get out.

Does he feel guilt (shame) unconsciously, for openly supporting a system that allows for libtarded commies to decide who get the tokens through the ideology of laziness= good, work = bad?.... echo chambers, and obedience to their authority being far more important than productive individuals?

Does his ego have control, and make him blind to wisdom, logic, common sense, critical thinking, authenticity, honesty, and good virtue? (reward for work being one of them)...
That's an ugly thought.


You have wasted eight years for criticizing graphene blockchains for only one reason.... lol I'm sorry for you

An interesting point.
More inner regret projecting outwards, concerning his own deeper thoughts on DPoS?...(I hope so for his sake)

By that measure, he would think that Julian Assanges eight years of sacrifice were wasted to, going off the statement above that he just gave.
....I.E - giving no value whatsoever to the virtues of sacrifice in the pursuit of truth.

....Says a lot about @mariuszkarowski 's hierarchy of values.

'Stakeholder capitalism (communism) = good.
Might is right and authority = good.
Sacrifice for higher values = bad.

Hopefully this is a just blip in his psyche, with his ego self taking over temporarily.

Hopefully he has a sound moral philosophy, and it's just a temporary internal battle between the forces of darkness (commie stakeholder cap, doctrine), and free markets, free speech.

Time will tell, and conduct via observable actions and words, will define the man.


..only anther post or two before I stop interacting forever on blurt !
Not that any DPoS platform has very long to go - they are anti human, and human don't like that - who'd have thought?

...Certainly not geniuses who come up with sentences like 'there's nothing wrong with blockchain it's just people who just don't get it'...( Awww!....bless!...)
You gotta love (well, laugh at, at least) megalomaniacs trying to appear intelligent.

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