'When in Rome', and all that....Using their rules to your own advantage...

in blurtnews •  9 months ago 

good to be the king.gif
Narcissists hate (envy and jealousy) knowing that other people might be 'better' than them....That's how they see it, even though they just know ,deep down, that they are the best at everything!...(yup seriously)... lolol.
Seeing reality encroach on their delusions causes them distress, to see people who are more talented, happier, have better work ethic, etc...with anything, really...
It annoys them.

The structure of DPoS is really suited to these type of mentalities, an ecosystem where there are no free market principles and thus, laziness and low effort is actually rewarded, not punished - while sycophancy, obedience, is rewarded...(unlike a merit based free market economy, system).

Things that happen when you annoy a narcissist...

Narcissist rage is a term first coined by psychoanalyst Heinz Kohut.
It occurs when a narcissist receives negative feedback that causes psychological discomfort, which then activates their defense mechanisms.
Narcissists can become (uncontrollably) emotionally, psychologically, and verbally abusive.

In terms of DPoS and identifying any accounts 'with high narcissism' (if not full blown NPD/psychopathy) , one way to cause 'rage' would be to not offer any avenue of reply.

I think it's fairly obvious to see that those who DO suffer narcissistic injury (criticism, and ridicule in terms of social media), are the first to 'hit the mute button'.

Why not use these rules - Ones that offer these accounts protection from criticism, and open discourse - against them?
...Sure, you might have to compromise your own morals and ethics in regards to free speech principles, but so what?
(it's not like anyone from the outside world is reading blurt, now is it?)

As Grannon says (when discussing narcissistic abuse) ' You have no moral obligation to be sincere with those who are insincere'.

I concur with this sentiment.

So, and in relation to this, I will now be 'reply disabling' to suit my own purposes.
'When in Rome, do as the Romans do'....

I will compromise my own ethical code 'for the greater good'.
I.e - by identifying psychologies that are toxic to the majority of the more 'mentally healthy' individuals.
...causing narcissistic rage and then seeing it show itself in all it's putrid glory, is one of many tactics.

The narcissists hates and fears , being exposed.
The 'Reply disabled' function is a tool that can aid in this.

Ridicule and criticism - without the ability to reply?


Of course, anyone can reply on there own feed to my posts, with a 'my reply to @...', (as I do many times) , which is excellent.
... by doing so, the term 'hoisted by their own petard', comes to mind.



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As Grannon says (when discussing narcissistic abuse) ' You have no moral obligation to be sincere with those who are insincere'.

Sounds like something one says to allow one to pretend (do mental somersaults) they have honor when they don't. Islam calls this taqiyya.

I'm not worried about folks blocking me. Their silence speaks solely about them and their relation to the content/person involved. One on here you interact with at times has had me blocked forever. I often come across comments serfing through those I follow that are interactions with him.

I'll vote for those comments, and if interested in the topic it used to be allowed and likely still is for me to reply to the comment despite being on the post of the person who blocked me. I assume that likely rubs the guy wrong seeing my activity on his post despite his block.

I know you have a strong passion/dislike for the Dpos system, but it has been my experience both personally as well as through study that no system will work. Once folks are involved, the plots for dominance and parasitic structures manifest regardless of the system.

Dpos seems like such low fruit to concern oneself with as they march the world towards total enslavement. A system like Dpos that is voluntary is low on my worry list. Especially this one where one could have millions of Blurt and still only make .89 per day from curation rewards.

And if one were to sell millions of Blurt one would be lucky to get 1000 per million at its current price, and that's being optimistic regarding the sharp price drop as one floods the market.

Circling back to the being true to oneself but still interacting on the others post, I would imagine that for the narcissist seeing others get rewarded on their own posts by someone they had blocked would really trigger them.