The will to (dis-em)power...

in blurtnews •  4 months ago 

I been on a very fruitful journey over this last few days.

Leaving aside the geographical locations - it's irrelevant to this post - the REAL journey has been the internal one.


Quite'enlightening one', I suppose you could call it.

I've written around 18,000 words during this time, dissecting the whole debacle that is DPoS (not just blurt).
I might put it into a short book on amazon for anyone who wants to read it.
If I do publish it, it's intention would be to warn people away from DPoS social media platforms.


I'm glad you asked....

Looking at it through the lens of the philosophical and using psychology - absolutely not anything to do with silly conceptual tokens - I've concluded something...
(...quite logically, and by using the philosophical lens of a moral value system that's congruent to already established - and fairly universal - 'good' and 'bad' morals and ethical behaviors...)

'Critical DPoS theory', as it were.

Let's begin... (a very brief outline/synopsis).

The inevitable failure of DPoS is built into it's very architecture - as will be illustrated.

The very way DpoS has been engineered, both enables psychological abuse and also PROMOTES it....consciously or unconsciously, intended or unintended.

It ENABLES and encourages (empowers) the behaviors of individuals who have psychological maps congruent with 'cluster B' personality disorders and other 'maladaptive' pathalogies.

Maybe because of the very construct - it may also ATTRACT such personality disorders (the full spectrum, from 'toxic cluster B personality disorders', to just those with very low self esteem).
I.E - It's a predators 'perfect playground'.

A playground that's fully sanctioned,endorsed, and encouraged by the very structure of it's governance, codes and mechanics.

The psychological abuse mechanism's are built into the ecosystem itself and provide an environment for even mentally healthy people to start to exhibit their own 'dark traits'.
Traits that had no part in their lives until immersing themselves in DPoS social media ecosystems.

For those with a moral philosophy, and who see the moral value of 'good' as being 'reaffirming, growing – expansion of the individuals sovereignty' - and 'bad' (evil) being an undermining, resentful, and contraction of an individuals sovereignty, then the arguments presented are, in my opinion, watertight.

Once I've finished this series of posts I will not be returning to DPoS social media platforms in their current form for the reasons that I've pointed out above.

....with one 'possible' caveat....

....which I will post about later as I'm still formulating various possibilities that would/could, include that option.

If my arguments are published, (and clear) the result will be witnesses turning off their severs - for moral and ethical reasons.

....For those witnesses whose moral philosophy is NOT congruent with the values that I will lay out, my arguments will have no internal resonance - and then there would be no logical reason for them to turn off their servers.
This action or inaction will illustrate (at least to some degree) the internal psychological landscapes of those who DO choose this option.

....I'll explain why this is the case, using Terminator 2....and some more about my 'enlightenment'...


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