RE: Is Blurlatam dead ?..Is it an ex-latam ? latam no more...?

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Is Blurlatam dead ?..Is it an ex-latam ? latam no more...?

in blurtnews •  last month  (edited)

well blurt latam is no longer compatible with communities. Apparently there are other problems too @fervi will know.

There are no people with the right knowledge and at the same time their hearts in the right place who could adapt it.

Censorship, unfortunately, wins, as usual, because it is created by wronged and traumatized people, and these people, unfortunately, always have the greatest internal imperative: their trauma that drives them.

In turn, free and mentally healthy people enjoy life and grow individually, which is why they most often do not act until oppression occurs.

Unfortunately, this has been the case since the dawn of time until today, which is why 90% are fucked by 10% of crazy people and fuckers. 90% of people simply do not think in terms like let's start a fake pandemic to push through more oppression and control because they have no desire for oppression and control, which is why such scenarios do not even cross their minds until the more intelligent part realizes that something is wrong and not begins to delve into the topic...

In fact, it seems to me that the blurt would have collapsed a long time ago if it weren't for the pandemic that made some people feel the need to fight for freedom of speech, which made some of the people oppressed by downvotes, who at that time published a lot about the fact that we were dealing with a fake pandemic, simply started looking for alternatives.

Today, when globalists have let their guard down for a moment and are playing brainwashing with climate propaganda and wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, which for most people is not as severe as lockdowns and false pandemics, people have forgotten again and are minding their own business and onmly few wants to act. Unfortunately too few.

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  ·  last month  ·  

The best thing in my opinion is to fork and remove the censorship or consider whether it is still needed. Communities solve this problem.


  ·  last month  ·   (edited)

remove the censorship or consider whether it is still needed

needed ?'s a cancer, at best.

No censorship in a community using blurtblog ????...are you sure?

  ·  last month  ·  

It is possible to create a without censorship (so to speak) by removing the COAL list. In my opinion, we should make this happen, as it is possible to censor entries with Communities.

It seems to be an inferior solution, but I don't see why Communities should not be or not "Family friendly", and the user would choose what kind of content they want.

It's somewhat similar with ZeroNet. There is no censorship system, but there are recommendations to impose on yourself.

  ·  last month  ·  

It is possible to create a without censorship (so to speak) by removing the COAL list

....and that would require the witnesses to vote against mega idiot, and the sheepish sycophants?

image.png not gonna happen...

It's somewhat similar with ZeroNet. There is no censorship system, but there are recommendations to impose on yourself.

This requires adult thinking and taking responsibility.
With the blurt,collectivist, herd mentality...?