Truth is stronger than fiction #1 The manipulation and drugging of a gorgeous blonde.

in blurtnews •  8 months ago 

Truth is stronger than fiction #1 The manipulation and drugging of a gorgeous blonde.

A true story.

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Many years have passed since the night we met, but I remember it as though it were yesterday.

...Sitting at a table in the local bar, she came into my world like an angel in physical form.

She was perfect.
She had gorgeous blonde hair, and was very leggy, showing both a youthful confidence and unashamed vulnerability at the same time.

After sitting with me for a few hours, I asked her if she wanted to come home with me.
Her face said 'yes', enthusiastically.

And so it was. The beginning of a relationship.
After that first night that we'd spent together, we were virtually inseparable, with no more than a few hours apart over that first year.

And then things changed.

Just as I remember that first night we spent together, I remember - with horrifying clarity - the car accident.
Even thought it wasn't my fault, I still feel, to this day, a twinge of responsibility.

She never noticed the oncoming car, you see.
Walking on the other side of the road, I'd shouted over to her, and in that instance, her attention was on me and not the approaching vehicle.

I heard the dull thud of metal on flesh, and saw my gorgeous blonde girl spin around as she glanced of the edge of the car, falling to the ground.

It wasn't a fatal hit ,fortunately.
The car did a 'hit and run', never even slowing down.


I ran over to my baby, the panic setting in.
She lay there, unmoving, on her back -her eyes open, but vacant, obviously in shock.

Quickly checking her body for any obvious signs of broken bones, I found she'd suffered none.
Carrying her home in my arms, I laid her down onto a comfortable mat, her eyes till vacant.

Do I take her to have medical treatment? (and risk injury loading her into the car), or do I leave her as she is, comfortable, to see if there is some kind of quick recovery ?

I'm no medical professional, but has to make a decision. I decided to not move her, and tend to her as best I could. At least for now.
If there was any obvious deterioration in her condition, I would have to re-assess the situation.

It seemed I made the right decision.
After an hour or so, her eyes changed from that vacant stare into looking around.
She was still in shock and immobile, but she was now aware of her surroundings.

Obviously she was sore and unable to move, so I spent the next few days looking after her, cleaning her wounds, and doing everything that I could to make her comfortable.

She was very, very sore – and so stiff in her hips that she could hardly walk, but nothing was broken as far as I could tell.
We then spent the next few days, with me guiding her and taking a few steps, a little more each day.
I could tell she didn't want to walk as it was very uncomfortable, but I told her it was for the best, and even thought she didn't understand why, she trusted me completely...She always had done, from that very first night in the bar.

So even though she didn't understand my reasoning, or my explanations, she dutifully went through the pain of walking - a little further each day.


Occasionally wincing in pain, and trusting me that I had nothing but her best intentions at heart, I manipulated her into pushing herself a little bit more each day, until – after week or so – she was the same gorgeous, cheerful, leggy blonde that I knew before her car collision.

Our happy life returned.

Until last week.

She became ill. Quite, quite ill.
I didn't know what to do, she was always healthy.

Listless, and covered in a rash, I tried to work out if she's had some kind of allergic reaction to something she'd eaten,
Having no confidence in so called 'medical professionals' We decided to wait a while, and see if her condition improved.

It didn't.
It was as that point that a friend suggested something that might help, an 'over the counter drug' that they thought – in their opinion – might fix the issue.

I was none the wiser, but I trusted them, and they said that they'd seen this occur a few times before....
It wasn't from any tainted food or an animal bite that went unnoticed - but a fungal infection!
A quick trip to the pharmacy, and we were all set to start treatment.

My beautiful blonde hated taking pills, and I remember our past experiences of her trying to take tablets in the past.
She almost had a 'phobia kind of fear' to pills, in fact.

So, rather than trying to convince her though harsh words or loving sweet nothings, I decided to drug her - without her knowledge!


It was remarkably easy to fool her, crushed and hidden in other foods, she never caught on that I was giving her drugs without her consent.

I don’t fell bad about it or anything, as I have no nefarious intent, only love. I'm just trying to help.

The fact she isn't aware of the pills is neither here nor there. I know she trusts me completely, and knowing her own aversion to swallowing pills, she would want me to give her this medication without her knowledge.

Her trust in me is that complete.

Am I a bad person for manipulating my gorgeous leggy girl into walking , when she didn’t want to?...(at the time, I murmured all kinds of bullshit to her in an attempt to get her moving).

Am I a bad person for hiding the medication in her food ?..essentially giving her drugs without her knowing ?

Intent, is everything.

Oh, and here's a photo of my leggy blonde – completely nude and taken without her permission, while she was sleeping... !



(she soooooooooo suits pink, don't ya think?)

Misdirection is a strategy knowingly employed by many of those who wish to manipulate you.

Many (most) times, the manipulation is NOT in your best interests at all, but theirs.

If you know yourself, you are in better position to disseminate other people actions.

When you can read other people actions, you can more easily see any kind of manipulative tactics that are being attempted on you.

Make sure to read and support my @lucyreloaded/@lucylin posts - on 'personalities, traits, and behaviours', to understand more about human interactions.

...and how to profit from this knowledge !

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  ·  8 months ago  ·  

Yeah know thyself.. sweet baby girl 💜

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