Russian Man Sentenced to 8 Years in Prison for Leaking Confidential Information to China

in blurtnews •  4 years ago 

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As reported by Reuters, Thursday (25/2/2021 A Russian court sentenced a man named Vladimir Vasilyev to 8 years in prison. According to a report by the TASS news agency, the 52-year-old Russian man was found guilty of state treason for allegedly leaking classified information to China. Vladimir Vasilyev was arrested in the Zabaykalsky region of Siberia, Russia, which borders Mongolia and China in August 2019. He pleaded guilty to the charges that betrayal.

According to information the trial was conducted in private and the details were not published because it was confidential.

Sedanngkan Citing law enforcement sources, Vasilyev was charged with collecting and handing over information which was a state secret to China's intelligence services. The case refers to the tensions behind the Kremlin's push for closer ties with China since 2014, when relations with the West deteriorated due to Russia's annexation of Crimea.

Last year prosecutors charged a prominent Russian scientist with treason for allegedly passing classified information to China. Another scientist was detained in Siberia last October for allegedly passing technology to China.

There have been a spate of treason cases in recent months.

One other particular case, entangling former newspaper journalist Ivan Safronov who denies wrongdoing, has angered supporters of the secrecy surrounding treason charges against him.

So little information that I can share about Russian Men Given 8 Years in Prison for Leaking Confidential Information to China, I hope this information is helpful.

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