NEWS Integrated Operation, Police Visit Community Gathering

in blurtnesia •  2 years ago 











The ranks of the Lhokseumawe Police carried out an integrated operation within the jurisdiction of the Lhokseumawe Police, in this activity personnel visited the community gathering place in the evening, Saturday (25/2/2023) evening.

This activity began with a rally at the Quick Response Unit Team Post (URC) Sat Samapta Lhokseumawe Police led by the Head of Logs, AKP Hanafiah. After the call, then the personnel moved to the location where the community and youth gathered.

"This patrol activity is divided into four zones, namely the western, central, eastern zones and the special zone for Lhokseumawe Police personnel," said the Lhokseumawe Police Chief, AKBP Henki Ismanto, SIK through the Head of Public Relations, Salman Alfarisi, SH MM.

He continued, these patrols target places - places of community gatherings as well as a number of locations that are prone to crime. "Apart from that, the personnel also carried out patrols at the KIP, DPRK and Panwaslih offices in Lhokseumawe City," said Salman.

The intended patrols, he said, were to anticipate disturbances to public security and order (Kamtibmas) ahead of the 2024 general election (Pemilu) and community diseases (pekat).

It is hoped, added the Head of Public Relations, that with integrated operations carried out throughout the jurisdiction of the Lhokseumawe Police, it can create a safe and conducive Kamtibmas situation and improve harmonious relations between the Police and the community.











Jajaran Polres Lhokseumawe melaksanakan operasi terpadu di wilayah hukum Polres Lhokseumawe, dalam kegiatan ini personel mendatangi tempat berkumpulnya masyarakat di malam hari, Sabtu (25/2/2023) malam.

Kegiatan ini diawali apel di Pos Tim Unit Reaksi Cepat (URC) Sat Samapta Polres Lhokseumawe yang dipimpin Kabag Log, AKP Hanafiah. Usai apel, kemudian personel bergerak ke lokasi berkumpulnya masyarakat dan remaja.

"Kegiatan patroli ini dibagi dalam empat zona, yakni zona barat, tengah, timur dan zona khusus personel Polres Lhokseumawe," ujar Kapolres Lhokseumawe, AKBP Henki Ismanto, SIK melalui Kasi Humas, Salman Alfarisi, SH MM.

Lanjutnya, patroli tersebut menyasar tempat - tempat perkumpulan masyarakat serta sejumlah lokasi yang rawan terjadinya aksi tindak kejahatan. "Selain itu, personel juga melakukan patroli di kantor KIP, DPRK dan Panwaslih Kota Lhokseumawe," pungkas Salman.

Patroli dimaksud, sebutnya, untuk mengantisipasi gangguan Keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakat (Kamtibmas) menjelang Pemilihan umum (Pemilu) 2024 serta penyakit masyarakat (pekat).

Diharapkan, tambah Kasi Humas, dengan operasi terpadu yang dilaksanakan di seluruh wilayah hukum Polres Lhokseumawe ini dapat mewujudkan situasi Kamtibmas yang aman dan kondusif serta meningkatkan hubungan yang harmonis antara Kepolisian dengan masyarakat.

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