An Afternoon Walk to Bireuen, Drinking Coffee and Eating Durian

in blurtnesia •  2 years ago 

ONE weekend ago was exactly the kind of time I've been longing for. Being able to hang out with friends and enjoy a rare atmosphere. An atmosphere that I haven't had the chance to experience for a long time. We traveled all the way to Bireuen. Enjoying satay, coffee and legit durian from the Sawang hinterland. One of the famous durian-producing areas in North Aceh District.

The most interesting thing about it all, of course, was not the food. But the atmosphere, the fun, the funny conversations interspersed with laughter and jokes that interspersed throughout the trip. We left after Zuhr prayer and only arrived back home just as the Maghrib call to prayer sounded.

For that day, we had enough to enjoy. I just sat in the back seat. The Innova Venturer with captain seat was quite comfortable, and the owner, Mr. Jailani Luthan, was a reliable driver. He drove the car gently and calmly. Ustadz Jamal, who sat in the left front seat, also seemed to enjoy the trip.

I was waiting at home when they told me they would pick me up. Then I suggested that we go to Bireuen via Jalan Elak. It would be faster, because the back and forth of vehicles on this road is not as busy as on the Banda Aceh - Medan highway.

In addition, through Jalan Elak, we could enjoy the natural atmosphere more. There are villages, vast rice fields, up and down hills and even the appearance of mountains in the distance.

The main purpose of this trip was actually to fulfill an invitation from Mr. Jai's friend in Jalan Bakti, Bireuen City. He was reluctant to travel alone. So we were invited to come along, while spending time together. "What are you doing in the afternoon? If not, how about we go to Bireuen. There is a wedding party for the daughter of my close friend in Bireuen. If possible, we can also invite Ustadz Jamal," said Pak Jai when we were enjoying coffee at Station Coffee, Lhokseumawe.

I of course immediately said yes. Because on weekends like this there is little evidence of a pleasant atmosphere like this.

At the house where the party took place we were served satay and various other menus. Incidentally, we only arrived at the event house at around 2:00 p.m. The stomach was really rumbling even though it had been propped up with fried foods that we bought on the way.

After the party, we continued to have coffee at Grand Kopi in front of Meunasah Kulah Batee, Bireuen. For me, this is the coolest coffee place in Bireuen. It's not the location or the cafe, but the great taste of the coffee.

When returning to Lhokseumawe, we still chose to go through the elak road. At Krueng Mane, Ustad Jamal invited us to stop to enjoy durian. Mr. Jai chose a large thick durian. I only tasted a little, because I didn't dare if my stomach gas flared up.

They both finished one big durian. I was the only companion. I used to love durian so much that even now I'm still drooling. But the risk is that I eat just one grain, can be sick for up to a week. Especially the yellow durian, which has a high alcohol content.

After enjoying the durian, we continued our journey home. I arrived home at 4:30 pm.


DI SUATU AKHIR pekan yang lalu benar-benar menjadi saat yang saya rindukan sebelumnya. Bisa jalan-jalan dengan teman dan menikmati suasana langka. Suasana yang sudah lama tidak sempat saya rasakan. Kami bepergian hingga ke Bireuen. Menikmati sate, kopi dan durian legit dari kawasan pedalaman Sawang. Salah satu kawasanpenghasil durian yang terkenal di Kabupaten Aceh Utara.

Yang paling menarik dari semua itu tentu saja bukan kulinernya. Tapi suasana, keceriaan, percakapan lucu yang diselingi gelak tawa dan candaan-candaan yang menyelingi sepanjang waktu perjalanan. Kami berangkat setelah salat Zuhur dan baru tiba kembali di rumah tepat saat azan Magrib berkumandang.

Untuk hari itu, cukup lah semua yang bisa kami nikmati. Saya duduk manis saja di jok belakang. Mobil Innova Venturer dengan captain seat itu cukup nyaman. si pemilik, Pak Jailani Luthan menjadi driver yang bisa diandalkan. Beliau mengendarai mobil itu dengan lembut dan tenang. Ustadz Jamal yang duduk di kursi depan sebelah kiri juga tampak sangat menikmati perjalanan tersebut.

Saya menunggu di rumah ketika mereka mengabari akan menjemput saya. Kemudian saya mengusulkan agar kami menuju Bireuen melalui Jalan Elak saja. Karena akan lebih cepat, lantaran hilir mudik kendaraan di jalan ini tidak seramai di jalan raya Banda Aceh - Medan.

Selain itu, melalui Jalan Elak, kami bisa lebih menikmati suasana alam. Ada perkampungan penduduk, persawahan yang luas, naik turun perbukitan dan bahkan penampakan pegunungan di kejauhan.

Tujuan utama dari perjalalann ini sebenarnya untuk memenuhi undangan dari sohibnya Pak Jai di Jalan Bakti, Kota Bireuen. Beliau enggan bepergian sendiri. Maka kami diajak ikut serta, sembari menghabiskan waktu bersama. "Nanti siang ada kegiatan apa? Kalau tidak ada, bagaimana kalau kita ke Bireuen. Ada pesta pernikahan dari putri teman dekat saya di Bireuen. Kalau bisa kita ajak juga Ustadz Jamal," kata Pak Jai saat kami sedang menikmati kopi di Station Coffee, Lhokseumawe.

Saya tentu saja langsung mengiyakan. Karena di akhir pekan seperti ini memang bukti sedikit suasana yang menyenangkan seperti ini.

Di rumah tempat pesta berlangsung kami disuguhkan sate dan aneka menu lainnya. Kebetulan kami baru tiba di rumah acara sekitar pukul 14.00 WIB. perut benar-benar sudah keroncongan meski sudah sempat diganjal dengan gorengan yang yang kami beli di jalan.

Usai dari rumah pesta, kami lanjut ngopi di Grand Kopi depan Meunasah Kulah Batee, Bireuen. Bagi saya di sinilah tempat ngopi paling keren di Bireuen. Bukan lokasi atau kafenya, tapi cita rasa kopinya yang mantap.

Saat kembali ke Lhokseumawe, kami tetap memilih melalui jalan elak. Di Krueng Mane, Ustad Jamal ajak berhenti untuk menikmati durian. Pak Jai memilih durian besar yang tebal. saya cuma mencicip sedikit, karena tak berani jika gas lambung saya kumat.

Satu durian besar itu dihabiskan mereka berdua. Saya jadi pendamping saja. Dulu saya sangat suka durian. sampai sekarang pun masih ngiler. Tapi risikonya saya makan satu butir saja, bisa sakit sampai seminggu. Apa lagi jenis durian kuning yang kadar alkoholnya tinggi.

Setelah puas menikmati durian, kami lanjutkan perjalanan pulang. Saya tiba di rumah pukul 16.30 WIB.


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Mantapp thaat Boh drien nyann

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

hahaha. sawang punya barang

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Bereh that.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Oh wate neujak pajoh boh drien sigoe Teuk, bek tuwe neupakat bg @helmibireun.