🐍 Landlord's Fishing Net Kills Snakes and Fish 🐠 Nothing Eaten, Only Waste 🐟

in blurtnature •  3 years ago 


I don’t know what time my landlords put fishing net in the canal, but yesterday in the morning I saw them go to the canal near my apartment and my little girl went with them also. After she come home and tell me, "Mom come to look!"

I said "Look at what?" She said, "Go to look at snakes over there 👉🏼." I said, "Go to look at snakes, no I don’t go, and you stay inside the apartment." She said "It’s ok Mom, our landlord and the gardener are over there too, and I see fish and two snakes." I wonder what they are doing over there, so I went to look too.


Oh I understand now, they put fishing net for catching fish, but they got snakes also. I think the snakes saw the fish in the net make, and it make them want to eat fish but they don’t know this is dangerous for them.



This is a red and black snack that die already.


This is a yellow and black snake that not yet die. I am not scared of them because I know from my landlord, he said they don’t have poison but I still feel a little bit scared of them.


This is bringing me childhood memories. I used a fishing net with my brother in the rainy season. We walked far away from our house for putting the fishing net somewhere to catch fish.

Some days it was raining all day and we stay over there to catch fish, and we stay wet all day. When evening we go home with so many fish and sometimes we get snakes, crabs and frogs too. I used to even eat all those things before. I was about 10-11 years old at that time.


This fish is a big fish but my landlord don’t use it because it’s dead a long time already and has a bad smell also.

I asked him, "Why don’t you give it to your dogs?" He said, "No my dogs eat cooked food like us. Really, it's true, I even see him cook chicken for his dogs. Have a nice weekend everyone.


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Monkey B

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