Me And My Way Of Life

in blurtnaija •  3 years ago  (edited)


Life is all about learning and earning. Many times we hear people's life stories and sometimes we change positively and sometimes negatively. Whichever way, there must be change in one's life when one listens to people's heart's touchy stories. In conclusion, there is no one without one story or the other but we just need to be patient in order to listen to stories and know how to come to conclusions on those stories we have listened to.

In all, it was just yesterday. This means it was just the past. The past in the sense that it has one way or the other affected your life or someone's else's life. Any life without a story is not a life but an inanimate substance. Even any living thing has stories but cannot share it out except humans. We remain the highest animals ever and on earth. This is why we have more wisdom than any other animal.

My story and I is nothing other than what made me who I'm today and where I'm today. Where should it start from? I'm from a polygamous family who does not have any brother in my mother's side. My mum actually gave birth to four children which were three boys and one girl. The girl died when she was still a baby. She died when she was four or five months old. This left my mum thinking. She was not herself when it happened. You should know the mood of a mother when she loses any of her children. She was later consoled and was stronger again.

After a year, she lost another of her children. My third brother died when he was just six years old. Many people began to say all sought things and in all they said to my mum to pray harder so that her two other children safe. She did embark on prayers but after twelve years, the second one died. He was just twenty six when he died. I was touched in the place I was because I was not home when it happened. So, I received a call from home that my younger brother is dead. I was not told initially because they didn't want me to think too much until midnight of that day. Now, I was told and indeed I had no choice other than to maintain myself without crying, but I was weeping deep inside of me.

My mum became destabilized and does not want to eat. She was just saying.that God should take her life because she has no reason to live after losing her three children. Indeed this burning deep inside of her. She was shocked and remained muted for some days without talking to anyone. This got me worried and I do not know what to do in order to remain calm and cool. Despite the fact that I was calm, I was still eating deep inside. Do you know how it feels to lose one's own brother or siblings? They all left me alone on this earth.

When I was still in secondary school, I still had my brother alive. He was so Brilliant and I truly love him so much because he was just like me in the aspect of brilliancy. So, I was thinking of taking him to stay with me after my secondary school, not knowing that the future holds something so disastrous for him.

Have you lived a life without your younger ones with you? I don't think so. You have always lived with your brothers or sisters or even made calls with them, but to me, I have none to talk to or to give advice to. I'm only left with me, just me and my mum. She has been so helpful to me and does not want to see me sad. Mothers are the best thing ever in life. Having a mother is the best in life and we all should give applause to our respective mothers. They have been trying hard to make sure we are mingled into the society we lived in. So, mothers are our pride and our heroine. Do not forget to take proper care of your mother when you have the opportunity to because they have tried hard to make us who we are today.

Here I'm today healthy and argyle. I'm someone who does not want to see people sad. I only see people that are crying and I have helped one way or the other. To be sincere, people do know you but not in detail.

When all these happened to me, I still remain the kind of person I'm but with the heart of thanking God for making me who I'm. God never for once ignored me instead kept on sustaining me and my family.

I got married and have four kids as we speak. My wife is someone who has been helpful in all ways. The friend who I had got to a point where our friendship had to be broken just because of the way he behaves towards me. After he made it, he ignored me and told me that he cannot help someone close to him. To me, I never needed his help but wanted to still push ahead with his friendship not until I heard it from him which got me pissed off. One thing is to have friends or friends and another thing is to know how to feed them. Mind the kind of friend you make no matter what because we have those who can truly stand by you as friends and those who can turn you down. So, be careful.


The only friend I have now is the one who t am in the same business with. We have a tutorial center together which we are managing. He is the only one who I can truly trust for now and the one who cannot take me for granted. Normally, friends are to watch each other's backs no matter what.

First published in my account

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