Broken Home

in blurtnaija •  3 years ago 

Kat Smith
There is a saying that when the house is on fire, there are some sets of people that will be affected. A broken home involves when there is a divorce where either the man had to leave or the woman had to leave the house. When this happens, there are so many things that will get affected but the major one is that of the children. Broken homes are not the best as this is the worst that can happen to married couples.

What Do You Think Can Cause Broken Homes?

Where there is no love: There is a possibility that the love a married couple once had has fallen off and this is not the best as anyone who is in this shoes will come out as a victim. A relationship that is not built on love has so much effect on the marriage. Marriage is not a child's play but a university where you have to learn so many things. Learning new things is possible in marriage as this can make you build up your marriage life. Many people today love their wives but one way or the other can fall off the track and end up with hatred. Homes can always get divided where there is no love.

Not satisfied: Some women are not satisfied with what their husbands give to them especially when it comes to monetary issues. The fact remains that what I have is what I will give to my wife and can't go beyond my limits. Since you have gotten married, both of you need to ensure because marriage is for better or worse. When you wanted to get married initially, you should know the financial capacity of your husband and likewise the husband knowing that of the wife. So, coming back to recon on this fact will very much be dangerous. Since you have both together at home, you have to know how to manage each other most especially in the area of finances.

Parents: Parents can one way or the other cause broken homes. I have seen some parents who always want their children to get married to the woman or the man they arranged for them. This kind of marriage can always stand without love. We can call this arranged marriage very dangerous. This is the reason why we parents should always allow our children to get married to the man or woman of their choice. In doing this, they will remain with love and in another way filled with lots of love. When you get married from your heart, it will be difficult for your home to get broken. So, we parents should allow our kids to marry whoever they want to get married to.

Love at first sight: This one can affect relationships so much. When you love someone, take your time to know the one whom you claim to love or who claims to love you. When you get to know each other and what you are both capable of doing, then there a smooth relationship between you two. You may love now and suddenly fade away just because of the characters. Character matters most in a relationship/marriage. When your character is not worth it, then you have no choice other than to quit or to endure and manage his or her character.

A couple who initially loves each other got divorced recently which made the children remain homeless. The children went to their uncle's house when they had been maltreated by their father's second wife as he remarried after the divorce. Their uncle's wife who happened to accept them later changed to be someone who is now maltreating them. When I saw them roaming about, I decided to give them money to buy food as I was not happy seeing them around. The uncle's wife is always at home but the uncle is not always at home. So, the woman will give them just #100 ($0.2) in the morning and the afternoon to buy food. What can this amount buy for two kids? I even wanted to go to meet their uncle to complain to him, but I decided to pipe low as it might cause problems between the wife and the husband.

So, when there is a broken home, the children will suffer the brunt. The best is to endure since you both have children. Your children will one day make the two of you come back together in the game of loving each other.

Love the one who loves you and if you are already in a marriage that you are not enjoying and you have kids in the marriage, then just ensure because one day, love shall find its way into your life. Be ready to marry the one who loves you and who you love in return because love is reciprocal.

When you have a broken home, the woman may suffer a lot because no single man will love to get married to an already married woman except in some special cases. A man and his wife got divorced due to the wife's unfaithfulness. I have seen the woman on several occasions with some influential men in their cars. She does not follow one man but loves jumping from one man to the other just because of money. The husband is working in a government college with a stable salary, but this is not enough for the woman. Instead, she left the man's house to where I did not know. The children are with their father and are not doing so well. When their father is out for work, they will go to a nearby shop and begin to beg for food. This is what they have been doing and their father is not aware of. This is a result of infidelity. Be content with what your husband can give to you. Leaving your home to some men's house just to satisfy yourself can cause serious problems to you and your personal life.

How Can I Manage My Shaking Relationship?

Patience: You just have to be patient because when you are patient enough, the love that has once been lost will come out to be real. Just be patient as this can make you come out victorious.

Endurance: Just ensure to endure as this is the best option and the best in terms of marriage. I'm as far as there is or at children, then you just need to endure and persevere. Endurance wins the race in marriages.

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