30 Day Song-a-day Challenge - Day 1 - White Wedding

in blurtmusic •  5 years ago  (edited)

Blurt and Music

That is one for Uwe lol - so let us check what this 30 day challenge means - every day posting towards a dedicated task - for details check the original post by @blurtmusic:


Song with a colour in the title

I chose Billy Idol with "White Wedding" - crazy guy with some awesome songs. I grew up with this music. Billy produced some awesome Rock Tunes I will never forget!

About Billy

Billy was born in 1955 and is an English musician, singer, songwriter, and actor. His first success was with the punk rock band Generation X. As solo artist he was successful in the 80ies when he moved to the US mainly in collaboration with guitarist Steve Stevens (the best guitar solo in the world Steve made for the Top Gun Movie with Tom Cruise).

His first chartbreaker singles have been "Dancing with Myself" and "White Wedding" and be became an established MTV Star these days followed by "Rebel Yell" and "Eyes Without a Face" which is my personal favourite.

The White song on top

His favourite to me was "Eyes Without a Face which can enjoy below.

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  ·  5 years ago  ·  

Awesome. Please note. This is a “Challenge” and not a contest. Do NOT use hashtag “blurtcontests”. Could you please remove the blurtcontests hashtag ? Thanks.

  ·  5 years ago  ·  

ok, sure - will do :-)

  ·  5 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much. Appreciated.

Servus uwe,

den # tag blurtcontest gehört nicht hier rein.
blurtchallenge is ok!

Hab auch diesbezüglich bereits eine Info bekommen,

  ·  5 years ago  ·  

ich auch, habs geändert - weiss nicht warum das so wichtig ist, aber naja :-)

Ich dachte das wäre das selbe bzw. das gleiche...
man lernt halt nie aus
Gibt schlimmeres :)....