This Track Partially Created With Help Of A Japanese Music Generator! Synthesis Underground - Doldrum Breaker

in blurtmusic •  2 years ago 

It's actually a pretty fun song! Found a music generation tool that allows the user to own the track. I like that, it is a great alternative to other offerings. I aim to sign up for the full access to the site. I'm actually really excited, it's bumping up my inspiration to make some more cute/weird sometimes creepy music. I'm going to try to not think about it too much, let the imaginations take over. I'm feeling that vibe, not many to talk to right now it seems so looking for some auto expression work. Been building up the sound library a bit more as well.

Here is some of the art I used to make the cover. I like using messed up generated art that makes you feel weird

The song does give a weird generic feeling. I called it Proto Pop, never heard of that before. I like the groove of the song it has a more techno vibe. Used some of the new sounds I collected on the keyboard for it. I will have fun making more music very soon, I'm pumped, feel pretty good lately in general. I think this is one of the most normal sounding things I've put out.

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