More A Freakish Vibe Track plus some Cozmo Catz Art

in blurtmusic •  2 years ago 

Life's Interest Brings Meaning

I didn't think it was possible to write something out tonight. Yet I did! This is the rough draft version, was just having fun. Ended up with some sound effect soundtrack, used some weird sounds, added some drums to it. Came out a pretty alright vibe. I'm getting pumped for making music into the new year. Looks like I gotta go gather some sounds, some drum hits and synths. In the meantime I will use my library and perhaps scale it down before building it up.

Holiday at home is going pretty alright, will make more festive food tomorrow, saw a movie. Things like that do help me decompress sometimes to get to the mood for more music. I like that to relax and just get into it. The vibe of the song is darker, good therapy, it has been shocking in the trials of the last few years, good to channel that.

Hey ya I think I am getting into that meditation, relaxed, where I can freak out a bit and make messed up stuff, also other moods too. I like this ramping up for the new year. I like writing stuff out as well, perhaps I can tell some sort of story, that's the kinda relaxed I'm feeling.

Here are music links


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