A Sound Collage Jam - Tekno Disstopia by Synthesis Underground

in blurtmusic •  2 years ago 

A track where I had a jam with a drum track with bass then used the keyboard to add some additional sounds, added a couple loops. Came up with this! Gets noisy is parts. Kinda glitchy. I let it be pretty much free form and this is the raw mix where I did not eq or compress anything. I was just like - I gotta make something. Have been practicing more guitar and was getting good! I'm exercising some music!! I'm looking forward to playing more and the next jams and songs. Here is the song

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Had been making some shorter songs lately, was glad I made this one. The jam type tunes I allow to be longer to try and get into some grooves. I am finding a few more tools lately to make music with so I am hoping to go non-stop for awhile!! I like trying to build something up

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