Passacaglia della Vita (Bisogna Morire) sung by Marco Beasley - Blurtmusic October Playlist

in blurtmusic •  4 years ago 

October is nearly over, so what better send-off than a song about death!

A passacaglia is a musical form originating in Spain then elaborated in Italy in the early 17th century. Imagine a funeral march at the same pace as this song.

It is very difficult to translate a song and almost miraculous to try and maintain rhyme and rhythm, hence the English translations lose something of the double entendres spread throughout the song. On the surface it may seem like a paean to Death, but also takes a few swipes at those who feel superior - death comes to all of us. Paul Archer's translation is better than the one in the video.

Just as an example of trying to make it singable in English:

Si muore danzando,
bevendo, mangiando;
con quella carogna
morire bisogna.

My translation:

Death comes while we're dancing,
or drinking or eating;
we're stuck with that stiff,
death comes, oh what grief.

Well, at least it scans!

The word "carogna" has a double meaning in Italian; yes, it means a rotting corpse but is also an insult, similar to a "stinker" or "rotter". However, I don't know if this was true in the 1600s.


Still a few days to enter the Blurtmusic October Playlist #blurtmusic.

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Although death is not a topic that is gladly heard, touching music with a lot of feeling.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Although a painful death is not much fun, dying itself is quite painless.
Speaking from experience of an NDE ;-)

Speaking from experience of an NDE

Oh, this is one of the most important experiences that can be given. Since then I feel something like homesickness and I am looking forward to going home, one day. Until then, I will learn the lessons of life - and yes, sometimes I am a bad student, but I do my best.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Interesting choice of words - but yes, feels like home!
I've been in this state more than once, so the D in NDE is not absolutely necessary - and best described by Dzogchen's term rigpa. Was not, for me, one of those trips to "heaven" experiences.

I suspect far more people have such experiences and just keep them hidden for fear of ridicule. Strange culture we live in.

I am not sure if my experience was an NDE, it could also have been a hallucination due to a combination of high fever, coffee and ibuprofen. But one thing is for sure, it is one of the most drastic experiences, like being present at the birth of a child or the death of someone close to you. I didn't know the term rigpa, I found a description in the sense of nature of mind, guess that's one way to describe it.

Life is a fascinating thing, which does not mean it is always beautiful. And yes, strange culture ;-)

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