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  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

Sad news.
I used her lyrics many times to illustrate the DPoS digital feudalism/WEF stakeholder capitalism collectivism, model....
I imagine the death of her child (last year?), might have been too much for her, poor girl.

Everyone can see
What's going on
They laugh 'cause they know they're untouchable
Not because what I said was wrong

...fortunately 'they' are very , very touchable....(especially with no down voting or reputation manipulation, BS)....

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

She burned brightly…. Suffered much … but now she is Free.

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  ·  last year  ·  

I teared up when I saw she passed. I always hoped she would find peace and happiness. I don't think she ever did though. She lost her teenaged son about a year ago to suicide. I hope she is at peace now. I don't know what happened or why she died. It's a sad day no matter what happened. Thanks for the vids. I am going to watch them.

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

Yes. It’s all very tragic … she created so much beauty in this World… . She is Free now. Reunited with her son in the infinite and eternal Spirit World (Infinite Universe) … where we all eventually end up. Returning to the place we were before our Earthly sojourn … some people know that we are also One with the universe even while we are living. Those are the lucky ones…. the happy ones.

  ·  last year  ·  

Because i can .