Blurtmusic Holiday Playlist : All Soul’s Day

in blurtmusic •  2 years ago  (edited)

Love and Prayers for all those who have departed from this earth and have not yet arrived in paradise …

Violin and Cello

It is a centuries-old tradition in Western Christianity to observe All Souls’ Day on November 2 by attending mass, offering prayers and sacrifices, and lighting candles to help ease the suffering of those who have died are believed to be in purgatory.

On All Souls Day, the Catholic Church teaches that the purification of the souls in purgatory can be assisted by the actions of the faithful on earth. Its teaching is based also on the practice of prayer for the dead mentioned as far back as 2 Maccabees 12:42–46. In the West there is ample evidence of the custom of praying for the dead in the inscriptions of the catacombs, with their constant prayers for the peace of the souls of the departed and in the early liturgies, which commonly contain commemorations of the dead.


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