Blurtmusic for the Holidays: Holy Saturday

in blurtmusic •  3 years ago  (edited)

Today is Holy Saturday .... the day between Good Friday and Easter Sunday , or Easter Monday ...

It’s all a little confusing what happens on each day.

Yesterday Jesus was Crucified, tortured and executed by the Romans on a cross at Golgotha ...... the place of the Skull.

So today he would be resting peacefully in his Tomb. ... a cave provided by Joseph of Arimathea.

Joseph was a very Wealthy man who provided the rare and unusual herbs and spices and probably the expensive burial cloth that would later become known as the Shroud of Turin where you can see the imprint of God when he was resurrected... kind of like a Xerox photo copy from a blast of light. The moment the body turns from matter to Light.

This will happen to all of us when we die.

So many incredible images that occur over these 3 very Holy Days ....

I suppose if the dead Body of Jesus is in the tomb today this is also the day that the Spirit of Jesus ( or God Himself) descends down into Hell to fight with the Devil... known as ha-Satan.

I need to do some more research into this subject. What do think ? Did I get it all right or all wrong ?

My song Selection for today’s Holy Day is Way Down in the Hole by Tom Waits.

We gotta keep the Devil way down in the hole.

Source : Youtube

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