♬♬♬ Udo Lindenberg - wozu sind Kriege da ► Playlist for the #Blurtmusic November Holiday Playlist (DE/EN) ♬♬♬

in blurtmusic •  4 years ago 

Hello Blurtler

Here is my songlist for the #Blurtmusic November Holiday Playlist

Because of Corona we have to stay at home, so we make our own vacation songlist.

Day 9 in November:

Still an important question today, just like in 1981: Who does the war benefit except that it brings suffering and misery? I think this song brings it to the point.

Udo Lindenberg - what are wars for


Hornet on Tour

Hallo Blurtler

Hier ist mein Songliste für die #Blurtmusic November Holiday Playlist.

Wegen Corona müssen wir zu Haus bleiben, drum machen wir unsere eigene Urlaubssongliste.

Tag 9 im November:

Heute immer noch eine wichtige Frage genauso wie 1981. Wen nützt der Krieg, außer das er Leid und Elend bringt. Ich finde dieses Lied bringt es auf dem Punkt.

Udo Lindenberg - wozu sind Kriege da


Hornet on Tour

Songtext EN

Nobody wants to die, that's clear
Then what are wars for?
Mr. President, you are one of those gentlemen
You must know that
Can you explain this to me?
No mother wants to lose her children
And no woman her husband
So why do soldiers have to march?
To murder people, make me understand
What are wars for?

Mr. President, I am now ten years old
And I am afraid in this forest of nuclear missiles
Tell me the truth, tell me now
What is my life at stake for?
And the lives of all the others, tell me why
They load the rifles and kill each other
They face each other and could be friends
But before they get to know each other, they shoot themselves dead
I think this is so crazy, why does it have to be like this?

Have you all billions of people all over the world
Asked if they want it that way
Or is it also about money?
A lot of money for the few bigwigs
Building tanks and rockets
And then buy gold and diamonds
For your elegant women
Or is it also about such religious strife
That one will not agree
Which God is the true one?

Or what other reasons are there
Which I find just as stupid'.
Well, maybe I still can't understand it
Why wars are necessary
I am probably still too young
I am still a child

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