#Blurtmusic October Playlist: A song that is a Classic favorite

in blurtmusic •  4 years ago  (edited)

La primera vez que oí esta canción estaba en una fiesta con los amigos, la hora de la cena llegó y empezaron a poner canciones suaves, pero al oír la letra no pude mas que imaginar vívidamente las escenas.

Básicamente el conflicto de encontrarse entre dos personas a las que se ama. Alguna vez has estado en una situación como esta? Crees que se puede amar a dos mujeres a la vez? Bueno, la protagonista habla de que está enamorara de dos hombres.

Por un momento imagina que te enamoras de otra mujer, tienes ya varios hijos a los que tienes que mantener y tu esposa a tenido una conducta irreprochable, mas sin embargo existe esa otra mujer que hace que tu corazón palpite sin cesar. Ya está, es difícil verdad, bueno ahora imagina que es la mujer la que tiene este dilema.

Para mi que nunca me he enfrentado a este dilema es una canción realmente hermosa. Saludos

The first time I heard this song I was at a party with friends, dinner time came and they started playing soft songs, but hearing the lyrics I couldn't help but vividly imagine the scenes.

Basically the conflict of being between two lovers. Have you ever been in a situation like this? Do you think you can love two women at the same time? Well, the protagonist talks about her falling in love with two men.

For a moment imagine that you fall in love with another woman, you already have several children that you have to support and your wife has had an irreproachable behavior, but nevertheless there is that other woman who makes your heart beat incessantly. That's right, it's difficult right, well now imagine that it is the woman who has this dilemma.

For me, who have never faced this dilemma, it is just a really beautiful song. Greetings

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