#1 Grandes artistas: Richard Clayderman | #1 Greatest Artists: Richard Clayderman [ESP-ENG]

in blurtmusic •  3 years ago 

Buenos días, tardes o noches mi gente, espero se encuentren super bien. Como buen músico no quiero dejar de lado aquellas| leyendas que de alguna u otra forma han influenciado en mi y en mi forma de tocar, por esto empezaremos a hablar de varios artistas maestros que hacen parecer la música como algo sencillo.

Good morning, afternoon or evening my people, I hope you are feeling great. As a good musician I don't want to leave aside those legends that in some way or another have influenced me and my playing, for this we will start talking about several master artists that make music look like something simple.

Richard Clayderman | Richard Clayderman

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Su rostro de seguro no te es familiar pero te aseguro que tu mamá y tus tías lo conocen y quizás es hasta su amor platónico podríamos llamarlo incluso el "Chayanne del piano" pero su apodo real es "El principe del Romance".

Es un pianista francés de nombre Phillippe Pages nacido en el año de 1956 hijo de un maestro de piano, ya cuando la historia empieza con este rumbo sabremos que estamos en frente a un experto. De niño vivían en un modesto departamento con sus padres y hermana, por el ambiente en que se veía envuelto desarrollo un gusto por el piano y aprendía al escuchar a su padre impartir las clases de piano a sus alumnos.

Ya cuando cumplió 8 años de edad su padre le obsequio un piano viejo con el cual comenzó a aprender de verdad y leer las partituras, lógicamente lo llevaba en la sangre y tardo poco en aprender. Cuando contaba con 12 años de edad lo aceptaron en el conservatorio de música de París.

His face is surely not familiar to you but I assure you that your mom and your aunts know him and maybe he is even your platonic love. We could even call him the "Chayanne of the piano" but his real nickname is "The Prince of Romance".

He is a French pianist named Phillippe Pages born in 1956 son of a piano teacher, and when the story begins with this course we know that we are in front of an expert. As a child he lived in a modest apartment with his parents and sister, and because of the environment in which he was involved he developed a taste for the piano and learned by listening to his father give piano lessons to his students.

When he was 8 years old, his father gave him an old piano as a gift, with which he began to really learn and read the scores, logically he had it in his blood and it didn't take him long to learn. When he was 12 years old he was accepted at the conservatory of music in Paris.

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Fuente | Source

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A los 16 años gano el primer lugar en la competencia de piano de la institución y a razón de todo comenzó su carrera como pianista clásico y concertista, sin embargo tiempo después decidió dejarlo todo.

Clayderman no se sentía a gusto en el mundo de piano clásico quería algo distinto y formo un grupo de rock con varios amigos esta fue una época difícil porque lo poco que generaban lo gastaban en nuevos equipos, se alimentaba mal al nivel de que a sus 17 años apenas tuvo que ser operado de una úlcera. Mas adelante su padre enfermo gravemente y se le complico demasiado su carrera musical por lo que tuvo que buscar empleo durante el día y en la noche era el pianista de varios grupos de música.

At the age of 16 he won first place in the institution's piano competition and thus began his career as a classical pianist and concert pianist, but later decided to give it all up.

Clayderman did not feel at ease in the world of classical piano, he wanted something different and formed a rock band with several friends. This was a difficult time because the little they generated was spent on new equipment, he ate poorly to the point that at the age of 17 he had to undergo surgery for an ulcer. Later on, his father became seriously ill and his musical career became too complicated for him, so he had to look for a job during the day and at night he was the pianist of several music groups.

El sello delphine al rescate | The Delphine label to the rescue.


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Después de todo lo malo que habia ocurrido fue escuchado por Olivier Toussaint y Paul de Senneville dueños del sello discografico Delphine, cuna de todos los éxitos de Richard.

After all the bad things that had happened, he was listened to by Olivier Toussaint and Paul de Senneville, owners of the Delphine label, cradle of all Richard's hits.

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Como dato curioso esta canción es el DEMO de mi antiguo piano | As a fun fact, this song is the DEMO of my old piano

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Richard era aún conocido por su verdadero nombre Phillippe Pages. Los productores estaban un poco indecisos con el nombre, pues era pronunciado diferente en cada país, así que para evitar la confusión en cada idioma decidieron usar el apellido de la abuela, Clayderman. Ella estuvo viviendo en Suecia y quizá esto explica sobre mi cabello rubio y los ojos azules.

Richard was still known by his real name Phillippe Pages. The producers were a bit hesitant with the name, as it was pronounced differently in each country, so to avoid confusion in each language they decided to use the grandmother's surname, Clayderman. She was living in Sweden and perhaps this explains my blonde hair and blue eyes.


A partir de este momento Richard despego su carrera sin retorno siendo bautizado por Nancy Reagan como "El Príncipe del Romance" cuando esta lo conoció en una Gala celebrada en Waldorf-New York. Richard resalto entre el resto por su profesionalismo y nivel de interpretación único sin mencionar su obvio atractivo físico para complementar su gancho.

From this moment on Richard's career took off with no return being baptized by Nancy Reagan as "The Prince of Romance " when she met him at a Gala held in Waldorf-New York. Richard stood out among the rest for his professionalism and unique level of performance not to mention his obvious physical attractiveness to complement his hook.

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Esto fue todo por esta primera entrega de Grandes artistas próximamente en la entrega #2 hablare de otro maestro que fue mencionado en este post... ¿Cual sera?.

That was all for this first installment of Great Artists. coming soon in installment #2 I will talk about another master that was mentioned in this post.... Which one will it be.

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