Virtual Vespers - 2 May 2023 | Organ music with prayers and readings

in blurtmusic •  last year 

The Vespers prayer service has its origins in the ancient Jewish tradition of reciting prayers at set times throughout the day. In the Christian context, Vespers evolved from the practice of evening prayer in the monastic communities of the early Church. By the Middle Ages, the Vespers service had become a staple of the Roman Catholic liturgy, consisting of psalms, hymns, and readings from scripture. The service typically takes place at sunset and is meant to mark the end of the day and prepare for rest and contemplation. "Virtual Vespers" is a meditative evening service with organ music on this channel. The order of service is from Universalis ( with a few modifications.

Order of service:

0:00 | Opening prayer
0:13 | Aria - Denis Bedard
1:49 | Psalms
3:58 | Chorale - Denis Bedard
6:18 | Canticle
7:00 | Short Reading / Responsory
7:48 | Love and Peace - James Michael Stevens
9:49 | Magnificat
10:36 | Prayers and intercessions
11:36 | Winter Elegy in D minor - James Michael Stevens
13:49 | Prayers and intercessions
14:31 | Irish Interlude - Phil Lehenbauer

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