GOLGOTHA SHADOWS - James Michael Stevens

in blurtmusic •  last year 

This is from a collection of organ solos in 12 tone atonal styles written by @JamesMichaelStevens . Each piece corresponds to a separate matrix with indications in the music of which tone rows have been used throughout (available at the end of the PDF). Golgotha, the place where Jesus was crucified on Good Friday, and the Dies Irae, a Latin hymn traditionally associated with the Catholic Requiem Mass, are both highly relevant to the events of that day. JMS includes the start of the Dies Irae in the pedal which captures the sense of awe and reverence that is appropriate for reflecting on the death of Christ, while also evoking the idea of judgment and the final reckoning.

Score: https://www.sheetmusicplus.com/title/shadows-12-tone-organ-solos-digital-sheet-music/22440689?aff_id=478282

Open Diapason 8
Stopt Diapason 8
Principal 4
Fifteenth 2

Gedact 8
Gamba 8
Gemshorn 4
Piccolo 2
Mixture III
Trumpet 8

Sub-Bass 16
Flute 8
Octave Quint 5/1-3
Flute 4

8 couplers
electro-pneumatic action
detached stopkey console
Ref: https://www.ohta.org.au/confs/Albury/AlburyRC.html

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