In the early Ebay days sellers used to ship records to me using empty pizza boxes more than once. They fit perfectly especially with a couple in the box. At least they were clean and those plates didn't smell like a pepperoni pizza.
I get it, record mailers aren't cheap and cut into your profit. I'd usually complain and try someone new. They too would do the same.
This pizza box is too big as you can see haha

Notice the Blind Faith album is the more conservative cover. The initial cover was that of an 11 year old girl topless with a metallic airplane in her hands. This raised some eyebrows and you'll have to do a bit of searching to find the cover.
According to Bob Seidemann the individual that took the initial photo he had this to say
I could not get my hands on the image until out of the mist a concept began to emerge. To symbolize the achievement of human creativity and its expression through technology a spaceship was the material object. To carry this new spore into the universe, innocence would be the ideal bearer, a young girl, a girl as young as Shakespeare's Juliet. The spaceship would be the fruit of the tree of knowledge and the girl, the fruit of the tree of life. The spaceship could be made by Mick Milligan, a jeweller at the Royal College of Art. The girl was another matter. If she were too old it would be cheesecake, too young and it would be nothing. The beginning of the transition from girl to woman, that is what I was after. That temporal point, that singular flare of radiant innocence. Where is that girl?
Thankfully Youtube comes to the rescue with some music from these albums.
Attempting to pick a favorite off the Revolver album? This is an attempt in futility. Taxman always makes me move.