My Song For The #BlurtMusic Holiday Playlist (31st May) Supports "World No Tobacco Day" 🚬

in blurtmusic •  3 years ago 

Today is "World No Tobacco Day" 🚬 on the "National Holiday" Calendar for Monday 31st May 2021. So I thought it would be useful to gain a bit more knowledge about this health related Topical event.

A few years ago I watched a TV program about the harmful effects of smoking. As the time I was a fairly heavy tobacco user for many years, and switched to vape. Now a few years later, I'm still vaping and feel much more healthy for doing so...

Below is some factual information for Today's event...

Each year, the World Health Organization (WHO) holds World No Tobacco Day on May 31. Their goal is to spread awareness about the risks of tobacco use and how we can make the world tobacco free. Roughly 6 million people die from tobacco-related ailments every year.

Sadly that number is projected to rise to over 8 million by 2030. However, this is by no means a guarantee. The Sustainable Development Agenda aims to reduce deaths from noninfectious diseases by a third.

Diseases linked to tobacco are high on the list, so if we hit the target, 2030 will be a year to celebrate (oh yeah!). Not only for our health, but the size of our wallets. Your average smoker drops around $4,000 on cigarettes annually.

Just imagine all of the other cool holidays you could enjoy with that money (we have a few suggestions, just saying). So let’s use World No Tobacco Day as a launching pad to a brighter and less smokey future!

Above "Text Source" Info from [here]

  • The National Calendar Website Link [here] (for even more INFO).

Now for some appropriate Music...

My song choice Today, seemed the most appropriate title. As Tobacco Smoke really does get in your eyes, making them very sore indeed!

My Song Selection For Today is: "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes" ~ by the 1960's Group ©The Platters

Above Music Video Source: ©YouTube [Here]

Also notice that the special Twitter "hash tag" #WorldNoTobaccoDay is currently trending!

So you can start interacting with many others on Today's topical event, by Tweeting there NOW!...

Many Thanks for reading and listening, I hope that you all learned something new and were entertained. As we all need to keep our brains active!

see you all again very soon... 👋

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