My Song For The #BlurtMusic Holiday Playlist (29th March) Supports "National Vietnam War Veterans Day " 🙏

in blurtmusic •  3 years ago 

Today is "National Vietnam War Veterans Day " 🙏 on the "National Holiday" Calendar for March. A day to remember all who served and lost their lives in the terrible Vietnam war. It's really hard to believe that the war lasted for twenty years. Finally ending in 1975 ~ Incredible to think that it was that long ago also!

  • The National Calendar Website Link for 29th March [here]

Now for some celebration Music...

I thought long and hard about an appropriate Song for this important event. There are some popular American Military songs that I could pick. However, in the end I decided on the more well known song simply titled "War" (originally recorded by Edwin Star). However, I think that Bruce Springsteen's much later version is sung with such deep emotion... I hope you will all agree with me 🤔

Below is my chosen song for the #BlurtMusic Holiday Playlist on this day the (29th March). Let's all listen to some awesome Music with @BlurtMusic 🎶 on Today's "National Vietnam War Veterans Day " 🙏 An emotional Remembrance event.

My Song Selection For Today is: "War" ~ Performed by the Music Artist ©Bruce Springsteen

Above Music Video Source: ©YouTube [Here]

Also notice that the special Twitter "hash tag" #NationalVietnamWarVeteransDay is currently trending!

So go Tweet it out TODAY!...

Use these main "Hash Tags": #blurtmusic #blurt

Maybe you can think of something better? If you also have a great song suggestion yourself then please comment below...

Many Thanks for listening, see you all again very soon... 👋

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much for your kindness √