My Song For The #BlurtMusic Holiday Playlist (1st June) Supports "National Say Something Nice Day" 💏

in blurtmusic •  3 years ago 

Today is the first day of a new month (JUNE), and it is affectionately "National Say Something Nice Day" 💏 This happy event is also listed on the "National Holiday" Calendar for Tuesday 1st June 2021. So I thought it would be nice to know more about this relationship related Topical event.

Below is some Historic factual information about Today's event...

On July 31, 2011, the president and CEO of the Charleston, South Carolina Speech and Hearing Center, Mitchell Carnell, published a short Amazon book called “Say Something Nice: Be a Lifter!” The book was and is really about the health benefits you receive when you lift others up instead of tearing them down. Carnell, who is also the author of the Kindle books “Speaking in Church Made Simple” and “Random Acts of Kindness,” comes from a background of knowing the effects of positive words and communication. His column on business communication ran for 14 years in the “Charleston Dispatch & Courier’s Business Review.”

But it was before the publication of “Say Something Nice” that the idea of setting aside a day for doing just that, germinated. In 2006, Carnell’s work in communication and good works was officially recognized when the mayor of North Charleston, South Carolina proclaimed June 1 as Say Something Nice Day in recognition of Carnell’s communication efforts. Local and national Baptist and Presbyterian organizations joined in, and the day was formally recognized.

So, today, try to practice being positive from sunup to nightfall. We’ll remind you of another adage: “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.” That’s a starting point but, on National Say Something Nice Day, it’s worth the effort, however difficult, to go beyond silence and put a mark on the positive side of the board. It’s long been known that happy people live longer and are generally healthier so, at the very least, you know you’ll get a benefit even if you have to swallow your pride. Even better? We’ve found that if you dig deep, saying something nice is not such a bitter pill to swallow after all.

Above "Text Source" Info from [here]

  • The National Calendar Website Link [here] (for even more INFO).

Now for some appropriate Music...

My song choice Today, is a live concert performance by the fabulous singer / songwriter Adele at the London based "Royal Albert Hall" venue. The audience singing is very touching indeed!

My Song Selection For Today is: "Someone like you" by the Music Artist © Adele

Above Music Video Source: ©YouTube [Here]

Also notice that the special Twitter "hash tag" #NationalSaySomethingNiceDay is currently trending!

So you can start interacting with many others on Today's topical event, by Tweeting there NOW!...

Many Thanks for reading and listening, I hope that you all learned something new and were entertained. As we all need to keep our brains active!

see you all again very soon... 👋

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much indeed √

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks Bro :)