My Song For The #BlurtMusic Holiday Playlist (19th April) Celebrates "National Garlic Day"!

in blurtmusic •  3 years ago 

I'm for that everyone loves Food ? Right ? So you will be most pleased in knowing that Today is "National Garlic Day"! on the "National Holiday Calendar" listing for April 19th. So now is the perfect time to get out your chopping board, and start slicing up some nice fresh Garlic.

Did you know? Here are some Interesting facts...

According to some past "Medical Publications"! They believed that Garlic was an effective cure for a very deadly disease, now known as "Smallpox".

It is also a known fact that some Garlic Cloves" were found in the "Tomb of Tutankhamen". Just in-case the Egyptian King got hungry I guess LOL !

Yet another Medical fact is that "Garlic" was used as a treatment for both "Dysentery" and for antiseptic healing in the "First World War" of 1914.

Fascinating! Don't you think?

  • The National Calendar Website Link [here]
    (Screen Shot below)

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For my song choice, I have picked a song that I think is most appropriate for Today's Holiday theme. This specific song has also been used in several great films.

Such as...

The Sandlot
Get Shorty
American Graffiti √
Happy Gilmore
Quadrophenia √

I have only seen two of these movies myself ( American Graffiti and Quadrophenia). The movie "Quadrophenia", I remember having a huge amount of mopeds covered in mirrors on the handle bars. Something of a strange bike themed fashion statement, that the MODS were using years ago. Anyway, a great film to watch while eating your cooked onions and garlic in your favorite Foodie dish of the day.

My Song Selection For Today is: "Green Onions" by the Music Artist Booker T. and The MG's 🎙

Above Music Source: YouTube [Here]

Perhaps you can think also think of a great song for Today's Music themed Movie event. Please leave your suggestion in the comments section below...

Many Thanks for listening, see you all again very soon... 👋

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