Weekend Movie🎬 : Train to Busan (2016) [Korean]

in blurtmovies •  2 years ago 

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Duration: 1 hour 58 minutes
Release on: July 20, 2016
Genre: Action, Horror, Thriller
Language: Korean
Subtitle Language: English

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The story, which takes place in Seoul, South Korea, centers on fund manager and absent father Seok-woo (Gong Yoo), who is taking his daughter Su-an (Kim Su-an) three hours by train to Busan in the midst of a quickly spreading zombie infection outbreak. Seok-workaholic woo's and self-serving nature are evident, and they are further highlighted when he brings home a present for his daughter that she notes he had already purchased for her before. He first objects, but eventually concedes to make up for it by taking her to see her mother in Busan. A "injured" woman however hops on the train as it is ready to depart. The cabins were quickly overtaken by infection and pandemonium, which spread with amazing speed.
La historia, que tiene lugar en Seúl, Corea del Sur, se centra en el administrador de fondos y padre ausente Seok-woo (Gong Yoo), quien lleva a su hija Su-an (Kim Su-an) tres horas en tren a Busan en medio de un brote de infección zombie que se propaga rápidamente. La naturaleza egoísta y adicta al trabajo de Seok es evidente, y se destaca aún más cuando él trae a casa un regalo para su hija que ella nota que ya le había comprado antes. Primero se opone, pero finalmente accede a compensarlo llevándola a ver a su madre en Busan. Sin embargo, una mujer "herida" se sube al tren cuando está listo para partir. Las cabañas se vieron rápidamente invadidas por la infección y el pandemónium, que se extendió a una velocidad asombrosa..

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The zombies in "The Walking Dead" (2010) moved slowly, while the infected in "Train to Busan" are quick, powerful, and mindlessly intent on attacking their next prey. In addition, they offer a terrifying new element to zombie legend that is unique to the genre: the rapidity with which their illness spreads. The number of passengers and the general public is reducing alarmingly as a result of the bite in just minutes, sometimes even seconds.
Los zombis en "The Walking Dead" (2010) se movían lentamente, mientras que los infectados en "Train to Busan" son rápidos, poderosos y están decididos a atacar a su próxima presa. Además, ofrecen un nuevo elemento aterrador a la leyenda zombie que es único en el género: la rapidez con la que se propaga su enfermedad. El número de pasajeros y público en general se reduce de manera alarmante a raíz de la picadura en apenas minutos, a veces incluso segundos.

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There are working-class men among Su-an and Seok-woo. Sang-hwa and his pregnant wife Sung-gyeong. They encourage Seok-woo to grow as a person by acting as a counterbalance to his tendency toward selfishness and by being eager to help those around them. Together with them are cheerleader Jin-Hee (Sohee), a baseball fanatic, business executive Yon-Suk (Kim Eui-sung), and fellow traveler Min Yong-guk (Choi Woo-shik). Different responses to chaos are depicted through the range of character types. Train to Busan also raises this moral dilemma, demonstrating how morality is determined by one's decisions. It doesn't waste time by attempting to explain every "why" behind the catastrophe or by trying to address every issue. Instead, it maintains absurdly high stakes and a continual state of reactivity in the characters.
Hay hombres de clase trabajadora entre Su-an y Seok-woo. Sang-hwa y su esposa embarazada Sung-gyeong. Animan a Seok-woo a crecer como persona al actuar como un contrapeso a su tendencia al egoísmo y al estar ansioso por ayudar a quienes lo rodean. Junto a ellos está la animadora Jin-Hee (Sohee), una fanática del béisbol, la ejecutiva de negocios Yon-Suk (Kim Eui-sung) y su compañero de viaje Min Yong-guk (Choi Woo-shik). Las diferentes respuestas al caos se representan a través de la variedad de tipos de personajes. Train to Busan también plantea este dilema moral, demostrando cómo la moralidad está determinada por las decisiones de uno. No pierde el tiempo tratando de explicar cada "por qué" detrás de la catástrofe o tratando de abordar cada problema. En cambio, mantiene apuestas absurdamente altas y un estado continuo de reactividad en los personajes.

Here's the movie 🎥 trailer





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