The reckoning that begins in the conscience rots a person from the inside - The Machinist

in blurtmovies •  last year 

Not sleeping for a long time has positive and negative effects. If I look at the good side, I can say living life to the fullest.

When 1/3 of the day is spent asleep, it can be considered as 8 wasted hours. When we don't sleep, it means an extra 8 hours. In a 24 hour day, who wouldn't want the extra 8 hours they can use?

If we spread the calculation over the long term; In a 60-year life, 20 years of time spent with sleep emerges. Let's think of 60 years as a full life; if it is a full life despite 20 years of sleep, it can be a much fuller life without sleep!

The negative effects of not being able to sleep are endless fatigue, constant weight loss and the psychological inability to distinguish between reality and unreality.

There are probably many other side effects that will vary depending on the individual.

So, what can be considered as factors that can cause insomnia?

Endless soul-searching... is the foremost one.

A good conscience is the most comfortable pillow... Clemens Brentano


Today, I watched a movie that started out good, then got annoying, but for some strange reason I couldn't stop watching it. The movie is called The Machinist

It is about the physical and mental transformation of Trevor Reznik (Christian Bale), who spends 24 hours a day awake and can't sleep, and shows what I think is an excellent example of what can cause this.

If I were to pull out the annoying moments in the movie with the help of tweezers, I could make an 'excellent' comment about the movie, but since it is not possible to tweeze the bad from the good and the good from the bad, I will keep my personal opinion short by saying that it was an enjoyable movie to watch.


Every movie, music, play, etc. has its own audience, listeners and users. Saying that a movie is 'very good' or 'very bad' is just reflecting a personal point of view. I don't like to be too extreme and talk too much in order not to affect the thoughts in general. Even if it's a simple movie review, a review of the match watched or a political comment...

Going back to the beginning, you don't need to be very clever to know how a showdown of conscience can keep you up at night. Anyone with a healthy conscience has experienced restless and sleepless moments when subjected to momentary, hourly or nightly soul-searching.

But over a long period of time, I have no preconceived idea of how many people can experience this. The movie The Machinist showed me a preconception that I didn't have, a preconception that gave me a good chance to observe how a conscience can destroy someone from the inside.


The choice to watch/not watch is always one's own decision. There is always the possibility that what one person likes, someone else may not like. If you don't have a good idea of what happens when judgment starts in the conscience, the movie can help, or if self-interest overrides conscience, maybe you want to balance the race!

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