Gifted || Well done, Captain America, you raised a good boy!

in blurtmovies •  last year 

A 7 year old child's sobbing cries of "don't leave me, please don't go" drowns everyone in the intensity of emotion! Whether this scene takes place in your home, whether it is a film frame reflected on the screen or an article describing a few pages of the book you read, it is necessary to be a stone-hearted, unfeeling person not to be affected.


Released in 2017, Gifted was one of the most impressive scenes of the film and, to put it bluntly, one of the best films I've seen recently. And again going a little further; Mary Adler (played by Mckenna Grace) was the best child actress I have ever seen.

Diseases/talents inherited from the family can sometimes be a nuisance. When we go to the doctor with the suspicion of a chronic disease, one of the first questions he asks is whether there is someone with similar diseases in the family history.

For 7-year-old Mary, there is no such disease, on the contrary, her abilities are inherited from her mother, but they are as troublesome as chronic diseases. Marry's mother is a mathematical genius, but due to her lack of any normal human activity, she became mentally depressed and ended her life by committing suicide when Marry was a few months old. Marry was raised by her mother's brother Frank Adler (played by Chris Evans).


Frank wants Marry to go to school with her peers like a normal child and have the same school and games as a normal child so that she will not have the mental problems her mother had. But the day Marry starts school, she attracts the attention of the teacher and the principal and it is realised that she is special. They want Mary to go to a special school and concentrate on maths. When Frank refuses, they contact his grandmother, who has never called Marry until that day. And the custody battle between grandmother Evelyn (played by Lindsay Duncan) and Frank begins.

First of all, I must say that I admire the dialogues between Mary and Frank in every scene of the film. Marry speaks so much older than her age that it is felt during the watching of the film that her genius is not limited to mathematics.


Although the custody battle between mother and son may seem a bit absurd, it is better understood when you learn their goals. One of them wants to prevent Mary from all the activities that a normal child should do by concentrating only on maths, the other one wants to prevent Mary's fate from being the same, since this way was tried and failed with her sister.

During the custody battle, the father, who never called Marry until that day, also shows up. When Marry learns this, she immediately realises that she is an unwanted child and reacts incredibly (for her age). Frank takes her to the maternity ward of a hospital to reduce her reaction and show her that she is loved. There they wait for hours for the birth of a random baby (which I didn't understand what he wanted to do until the last moment) and when the news of the birth of the baby is conveyed to those waiting outside, everyone hugs each other in a ball of joy. And at that moment, when your eyes start to water, you realise what Frank wants to do. He tries to explain it by showing the joy of his mother and himself when the Marry was born.


I said that the film was the best film I've seen recently and that Mckenna Grace, who plays Mary, is perhaps the best child actress in all the films I've seen. Frankly, I also liked the performance of Chris Evans, whom I know as Captain America. Unexpected performance from Captain America and according to my observation, it is the second time he does this. His performance in The Gray Man, which Netflix released this summer, made him independent from the role of Captain America.

I think you should definitely watch the film Gifted. And while watching it, open a special section for Mary and Frank's dialogues, but I warn you about the emotionality of the scene I started the article with because you can't get rid of it easily.

Well done, Captain America, you raised a good boy!

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  ·  last year  ·  

It looks like an emotional movie. One for date night :)

  ·  last year  ·  

Have a good time, I hope you like it.

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  ·  last year  ·  

thanks :)

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