Generational Sins || Violence can create a domino effect!

in blurtmovies •  last year 

We know that both in law and in belief, the punishment for the offence committed by the father cannot be asked from the son, and the punishment for the offence committed by the son cannot be asked from the father...

...but when watching the 2017 film Generational Sins, it is possible to observe how its effects extend to other generations.


Drew (played by Daniel Mac Pherson) is a troubled personality who has been subjected to violence by his alcoholic father throughout his childhood. Due to his lack of anger management, he had to abandon his mother and younger brother. The younger brother Will (played by Dax Spanogle) lived a life detached from his older brother. The two come together because their mother is dying, and she has one last request. For the brothers to go to their hometown and meet their father for the last time. The two brothers cannot bear to be even in the same room, so they embark on a long journey to fulfil their mother's last wish.

The film presents the story of this journey and big brother Drew's reckoning with the past. In fact, other reasons underlying their mother's desire for them to go on this journey are revealed as the film progresses. Although the film Generational Sins has a simple and straightforward subject matter, it conveys to the audience with a good functioning that the negativities of the past do not leave us alone.

Two sons, a mother on her deathbed (and dying immediately) and a father figure who is absent and never seen, the film offers a nice family film framework in terms of telling the story of two disconnected siblings getting closer to each other and I think it increases its watchability.


We know that experts warn that verbal, physical or abusive violence can have very negative consequences on the development of children. Throughout the film, we witness how these warnings have an effect on Drew. Drew, who spent his entire childhood with the fear created by his alcoholic father, has isolated himself from a normal life and his biggest fear is the possibility of becoming a personality like his father.

Throughout the film, he has no anger control at all, until he reaches out to his father and resolves his confrontation with him within himself. Some films may be boring for some people, here "some films" may mean Generational Sins, but I can say for myself that I watched the film with great pleasure. The inheritance caused by the violence passed from father to son and themed violence not only destroys the hopes for the future, but can even cause loss of faith.


From this point of view, "violence" is like being constantly exposed to a nuclear leakage, it can affect the moment and afterwards, and even very advanced generations. We all know the consequences of radiation, but although we know and can predict exactly what violence can do, we can never predict its full consequences.

In order to raise responsible individuals and adapt them to society, perhaps all parents and prospective parents should watch the film!

Believe me as a parent; I always question my behaviour in terms of fulfilling my own responsibilities. Such films can sometimes cause us to remember what we have forgotten! I wish everyone who will watch the film a good time!

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