Do Revenge || High school youth!

in blurtmovies •  last year 

I watched the film ''Do Revenge'', which reminded me of my senior high school years. The film was a comparison, not in terms of subject, but in terms of reminding me of what I did at the end of high school.


The production, which tells what the senior students of a private high school did to each other, was like a documentary in terms of showing that everything else was going on in high school other than lessons. Although it was a fun production and had a well-crafted story in the genre of comedy youth film, it was surprising enough to say wow.

What caused me to compare it with my senior year of high school was that I didn't have time to look up from my studies in order to get into a good university, but the senior high school students in the film were involved in everything except attending classes and studying.

The school farm was full of all sorts of shenanigans, including growing plants used in drug production. Despite all these negativities, the film can be entertaining when you find a place for yourself in the story.


Although I criticised the story and the processing in the film, I found the 2-hour film entertaining in general. The plot within the plot made the film gripping, reminding the saying that revenge is a dish eaten cold.

It had a different progression and ending than the high school or university youth films I have watched so far. Parties, skipping school, loves, intrigues, lies and many more activities, which are indispensable for learning times, are presented to the audience through the window of revenge. I say revenge because the main theme of the film is revenge, I did not understand why it was evaluated in the comedy genre because the film had more drama, ambition and revenge scenes than comedy.

During the progression of the film, it was as if being accepted to the university was not a priority for any of them, towards the end, suddenly the university admission alarms started ringing and at that time I felt like saying where have you been until now.


In my own time, the last year of high school is still in my mind like the time I went through the tunnel of fear; eating, sleeping and studying. It was a nightmarish year, on top of all that, with the pressure of the exam, the possibility of not succeeding was clawing at my brain. Fortunately, everything happened and passed. It's in the past and I remember it as a sweet memory like when I watched the film Do Revenge.

I recommend watching the film to those who love youth films, if you watch it, I think you will understand the difference with other youth films after the first hour. Maybe you will have the opportunity to compare it with your own high school time. Or are high schools really like this? You can ask yourself the question... And if it is really like this, I can re-enrol in high school... lolol


+How do you know when you're really on top?
-When they want to pull you down.

I think this dialogue in the film describes the moment when the bow hit the arrow right in the middle. My favourite scene and decision in the film was the option to work in the school grounds and on the school farm instead of disciplinary penalties such as expulsion/ suspension. An idle mind is more likely to think and do unnecessary things, it is easier to rehabilitate students when it is filled with work or activity. That is, if the aim is really to win them over!

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