Broad Peak || Someone who is responsible for other lives should not take life risks.

in blurtmovies •  last year 

Another Netflix production...!

And another film about the struggle against nature!

Made in 2022, the film Broad Peak is adapted from real life to cinema. The film, which tells the story of Maciej Berbeka, a mountaineer named Maciej Berbeka, who thought he had reached the summit during his first climb to the mountain named Broad Peak, returned 17 metres from the summit and the difficulties he encountered during his return, is about Maciej Berbeka's climb to Broad Peak again after 25 years.


What you can see in films about mountaineers climbing difficult and snow-covered mountains is limited. The foothills of a snow-covered mountain, the sounds of the wind, the cliffs and the few people who make the climb are the basis of the whole story, but the film Broad Peak has managed to distinguish itself from similar films.

The film, which is also a biography film, is also about Maciej Berbeka's family life. In this respect, I think Netflix has created a good production.

The film beautifully reflects the climbing passion of climbers and their addiction to climbing, which they cannot give up even at the cost of death. Although I cannot understand why a man who has married, had a child and built a happy home for himself would risk his life again after so many years, I can understand the adrenaline and passion for climbing that mountaineers have. Would I do it despite everything? Never...!

But God, when I said never, I remembered Antonio Banderas' film Never say never. Maybe I shouldn't say never. You never know what time will bring or take away.

Throughout the film, the sound of the wind made me feel cold where I was sitting, and although it was strange to see people whose nose and beard were frozen, covered with snow and whose faces were not visible, it was successful in terms of adapting to the place they were in.

The most successful and impressive scenes of the film were the scene where Maciej Berbeka was about to freeze and slept for two days in a hole he dug out of the snow, and the scene of making love with his wife after he was rescued. This is the first time I have seen a sex scene add so much meaning to a film, because I often think they are unnecessary. I advise those who are going to watch the film to watch it more carefully to see how there is a connection between these two scenes.


At the end of the film, they play a short section from the archive recording during the real climb, I think this recording is very appropriate for a film built on facts. It was clever that a few sentences of radio conversation reflected the whole drama of the film.

Death may really be calling some people. Perhaps it is fate that we cannot remain indifferent to the call.

I liked the acting of Ireneusz Czop, who played Maciej Berbeka. Both his time with his family and his performance during the climb was one of the elements that dragged the film. What I was most curious about was the connection between the scene of Maciej Berbeka making love with his wife after he was rescued and the two days he fell asleep on the mountain. Since Berbeka is no longer alive, if that scene was narrated by his wife, it is possible that these special moments really happened.

Although it is said to be based on the truth, we can never be sure that such films are 100% accurate, because in most of them one of the parties is dead!

I think the film Broad Peak is definitely worth watching!

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