A woman whose body is a prostitute still retains the chastity of her heart and mind - 10 Days of a Good Man

in blurtmovies •  last year 

A bird's-eye view of a tropical island and hanging it above the fireplace might be the ideal way to remember your dream vacation spot at every opportunity.


Assuming this is the right method, then I could hang a picture of a handy camper van at the entrance to my house. Since the entrance is also the exit, every time I enter and leave the house, I can look at the picture of the caravan and remember my dream. Not a bad idea, what do you think!

I think the best teachings are videos. Not even just as teachings, they are quite remarkable as the truth among many lies. I consider movies to be one of the teaching videos I am talking about.

Regardless of the type of movie being watched, whether it is based on fiction or based on facts, there are always scenes that touch real life. If I narrow the generalization a bit more, I am sure that there will be scenes that touch the viewer's life.


Although it's not always the main theme, lately I've been seeing more and more movies where 'the hunted becomes the hunted' or 'the hunter becomes the hunted'. I think I'm experiencing a bit of luck and misfortune déjà vu, where the same event can be lucky, but from a different perspective, unlucky.

Like the theme of your dream vacation! I remember seeing a picture of a tropical island in more than one movie, although I don't remember the names of them. You may think, what's wrong with a picture, yes, a beautiful picture can be hung anywhere for eye pleasure, but not as the theme of your dream vacation!

The fact that one of the two business partners took responsibility for the other partner's irregular and illegal activities (even though it was done without his knowledge) and went to prison for years must have involved sacrifice that is hard to make sense of. A few pieces seem to be missing to see the bigger picture. One of the missing pieces is that the two business partners are also life partners. I think this piece helps enough to put the pieces in place, but no more spoilers!


Good and evil are brothers. It is thought that one cannot exist without the other, but since brothers cannot be the creators of each other, the analogy does not reflect the truth. I think the same analogy is perceived in the stock markets as 'profit and loss are brothers'. There is no profit without loss and no loss without profit. Again, a case of siblings and again against nature; if they are not the creators of each other, one may well be without the other.

10 Days of a Good Man is one of the new productions of Netflix, and it stages the disappearance between good and evil. This disappearance peaks in some scenes to such an extent that you question good and evil through your own life while watching.

There is also a beautiful example of a woman whose body is a prostitute but whose heart and mind still retain their virginity.


Nejat İşler's excellent acting performance as Sadık, who has to get rid of the appearance of a rising and progressive lawyer and becomes a detective, was the biggest plus of the 2-hour movie.

Compared to the average movie duration, the movie was not boring even though it was 2 hours long. It helped me to consume time quickly and took its place in my movie archive as the best Turkish movie I have watched recently.

If you have time, you can watch the movie, and after watching it, you can dive into deep thoughts between good and evil. Is what we know good really good? Or are we too prejudiced about what we know is bad?


I guess the satisfaction point built on horror is a bonus!

Trailer for the movie;

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