3096 Tage || In some cases, dying is not a punishment but a reward.

in blurtmovies •  last year 

Real-life movies are often sad because knowing that they are based on real life makes you scrutinize the scenes in more detail. And when they are scrutinized in more detail, it is painful to see the disgustingness of what happened or the ultimate evil.

3096 Tage is terrifying in name alone, and the fact that it is based on real life makes the word "terrifying" inadequate.


A man with pedophilia issues kidnaps a 10-year-old girl (Natascha Kampusch from Austria) on her way to school, simply because he is attracted to her smile. He tells her that it is for ransom... but in reality it has nothing to do with ransom.

Thus begins 3096 days of captivity, verbal-physical violence and abuse!

The preparations he made before kidnapping the girl during the surveillance, including a small room under the garage of his house with private entrances, were a perfect demonstration of how dangerous people with such psychological problems can be.

While keeping the tension high, the movie is very successful in maximizing the hatred one can feel for a human being. To the extent that even someone who would never hurt a fly could throw a tantrum.

Since the incident is based on real life, it should be watched to show that such people exist on the streets and that all necessary precautions should be taken for our children.


It raises the belief that some people should not live in society and should be isolated from it. One might even question whether people with this kind of personality deserve to live!

Amelia Pidgeon and Antonia Campbell, who play Natascha Kampusch, who emerges as an adult girl from the cell she was forced into as a 10-year-old child, were admired for their acting and their ability to convey the tension.

I recommend the movie to anyone who has the courage to face the realities of life. Those who are tired of struggling with the heavy burden of life and are looking for short entertainments should stay away from the movie because it can cause loss of anger control and severe psychological pressure.


Is death a salvation? I guess for some it is. The usual course of events makes it a necessity that for one to survive, the other must die.

3096 days of being deprived of your freedom, your loved ones and your outside life, while being forced to serve someone's vile ambitions, makes me think that "dying" should not be the only reward. Death seems more like a reward than a punishment for such a crime.

I am not an expert, but what I know from the news around me is that pedophilia cannot be treated as a personality disorder or a disease and that such people will never recover. And the biggest danger is that such people have a higher ability to camouflage themselves in society. This is why it is imperative to be more vigilant at all times, both for our own lives and for the lives of the people around us.

Let's watch everything with more careful eyes!

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