in blurtmop •  2 years ago 

Bullying has affected a lot of people including adults and children negatively. Psychologically and emotionally, it has eaten deep into so many lives in our society today.

Bullying simply means when you are intentionally hurting someone or forcefully pushing someone into doing what he or she doesn't wish to do. Do you know that some men bully their wives? Such a sad story I consumed earlier this year from a friend who was constantly bullied by her own husband simply because he thinks he is much older than her and has authority over her.

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However, bullying often happens in school and I will give a practical example here. Back then in my university days, I had a problem with accommodation and so the only option left for me was to go live with my uncle and be attending lectures from his house. My uncle's first Son was in boarding school then but he use to come home once in a while. One of the weekends he came back home, I noticed a boy in depression, a once cheerful boy suddenly became cold for two days. His attitude gave me concern and I had to talk to him in love and with patience until he revealed the reason behind his depression.

He explained how he was being bullied by his seniors constantly in the boarding school. They will force him to submit his beverages to them, they will punish him if he dares refuses to wash their clothes, and take away some of his belongings to use without any form of permission. To crown it all, they will threaten him with severe punishment if he reports them to the school authority or his parents.

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Sadly, the parents didn't notice what the poor boy was going through. It was all about their office job and being busy every time. I had to draw the attention of his parent to the ongoing issue and from the information we gathered from him, we went to the school and had a one-on-one talk with the school authority. Of course, those seniors were served a two-week suspension each. We gradually build my cousin's brother's emotional life back. And today he is fine and doing well, no longer suffering the emotional and psychological stress in the course of bullying.


Well, I don't think this can be totally eradicated but if these measures below are implemented, it will be reduced.

  • Parents should always develop good communication and listening skills with their children, with this, they will quickly notice when things go wrong and come to the aid of the child.
  • Parents should also teach their children good morals and not to bully others.
  • The school authority should constantly sensitize the students on the dangers of bullying and give punishment to those involved in the act.
  • Anyone (including adult) under the victim of bullying should not close his or her mouth but speak up to the appropriate authorities.

Thanks for reading!!

Remember to keep staying positive and be happy💞

Previously, published Here

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