The diary game busy at bazar||07-06-2021||

in blurtmobile •  4 years ago 

White sesame seeds is the seeds which is white in coler.this taste is like peanuts .
These days are winter day's,So white sesame is used in winter with different ways .we get oil from white sesame.
This is the machine where we get oil.white sesame oil is also called sweet oil.first we inter the white sesame in machine and on it .
So this is an other way of white sesame oil.that is the next step for getting oil.
That is the Khal which form by getting oil from white sesame.Khal is used for animal food.which is very important for them.
That is our final product .white sesame oil.lot os benefits of this.which is following...

Antioxidants. Sesame oil, is rich in antioxidants. ...
Prevention of hangover. Sesamin present in sesame seed helps in the liver function by breaking down alcohol consequence and detoxifying damaging materials.
Diabetes. ...
Skin care. ...
Rheumatoid arthritis. ...
Oral health. ...
Common cold. ...
Special mention!

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