The Information War is Raging, We Keep up the Fight!

in blurtmemes •  4 years ago 


I always wondered what an election would look like during a Civil War... now we know.


Agenda 21. Aft3er living through most of 2020, it seems to be the agenda for 2021. Buckle up.


What does it mean that the operation warp drive vaccine has a 10% failure rate? What does "failure" look like?


Biden math is not only statistically improbable, it's statistically impossible. Odds of a Biden win in Winconsin? 0.00000189%


The movie "Songbird" features a virus called COVID-23. Hmmm COVID-19 before the 2020 election, COVID-23 before the 2024 election. Setting the stage early, I see.


Would preventing a coup d'etat, be a coup d'etat? Definition of coup d'etat: a sudden decisive exercise of force in politics


Battle for the Soul of America

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