Communication < Comprehension

in blurtlove •  3 years ago 


We talk a lot about the importance of communication, but very little on the importance of comprehension.

We can communicate as much as we like, but when we are not being understood the way we would like to be understood, it makes us feel unheared.

So in reality its about checking in with the person receiving our sharing, whether they had the same understanding of our reality, then we have.

Our perception always based on our experiences, its like a filter you put on your camera.
Once the filter is attached to the lens, everything you see when you look through the camera, everything picture you take, will be seen in accordance of the type of filter.

Your filter might be very different, than the other persons filter.
Therefore understanding my image, that I see through my orange tinted filter, when your filter is tinted blue, will result, in a very controversial experience.

I always advocate for clear communication, and honesty;
but I invite you, to consider asking the person, to share, what they understood from your sharing.

Relationships, whether they are romantic, friendships, family or even with your coworkers, are here to teach us, that we are 'oh so different'. Which is a good thing, we wouldn't want everybody to be exactly like us.
But this will also result in people seeing things from their point of you. And we don't see things the way are, we see things as we are.
So invite these people, to have a sneak peak into how you are, and let them see things from your point of you.

Likewise, be open to explore their reality, see through their lens.
And watch, how their smile grows bigger, when they really feel heared and seen.

Much love, Petra

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absolutely it's possible to break a relationship or friendship over text purely because it was miss understood and read through the filter of our own life experience. I think my current relationship has gotten me a lot better with communication as long distance means SO much time spent communicating and HAVING to communicate you can't just fill the gaps really with intimacy etc or brush over things in the same way.