Aromatherapy, a way to wellness

in blurtlifestyle •  7 months ago 

Hello Friends!

Whenever, I get together with a group of friends to talk about many things, we come to the topic of how to deal with the stress of everyday life. It's sometimes a difficult question to answer, but I'm sure that if you ask yourself this question, there are things deep inside you that can bring you moments of calm and balance your energies.

Many of my friends say they deal with stress by exercising, dancing, and traveling. However, sometimes they say they don't have much time to do these activities, and the effects of stress affect their well-being.

Can we do small things that don't require a lot of time to balance our energies? Yes, we can! These are small things that we can incorporate into our daily routine. They are small things that have great significance for our health.


I have found aromatherapy a simple way to feel well. I am usually allergic to strong smells, to the point where I can't use perfume because sneezing activates me non-stop and I have to use antiallergics. So thinking about scents to achieve calm and balance was a delicate aspect for me.

Many scientific studies have associated pleasant aromas with the generation of feelings of joy, peace and harmony. Feelings capable of achieving serenity and positive thoughts. These feelings, in the long run, make us more productive at work and better able to relate to those around us. At least, that is what I have experienced.

You can create pleasant smells around you in several ways. There are electronic devices in the form of sprays that shoot droplets of scent into the environment, impregnating the place. There are also scented candles, essential oils, and incense. The important thing is to find what suits you and especially the scents that are pleasant to you.

In my case, there are scents like vanilla that cause me headaches. This is inexplicable, but it happens to me with this fragrance.



I have been experimenting with incense scents for the past few months. I have tried many scents and have finally come up with what I consider "perfect", which is a honey scented incense. It is a sweet and mellow scent. I have a place in my workplace where I can place it and enjoy its aroma. Every time I perceive this sweet aroma, a smile appears on my face. What can this smile mean? I think it is very close to what we call well-being. It does not take a lot of efforts, time or money. Even this happiness costs me only a few cents.

You can be happy with little? yes! small things can be of great value. Have you had the opportunity to find balance and well-being with simple and small things?


@ivankapics photo collection copyright.

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