They Hijack Everything: What's the difference between mud and religion?

in blurtlife •  10 months ago 


And come well


Brief Introduction before we dive further:

What I aim to do here on here is the same as anywhere else. Find the truth, express what I gnow to be true, share content I find interesting, share opinions, experiences, and point out the heithens as they appear. I am open to recieve all criticism. I will never mute you despite having done so in the past. I hide from no one and am easy to find.

I am a normal human being loving within my means. I dare say I have done more good than bad and wish to continue that throughout my life as I improve myself spiritually the best I can in this insane asylum we call the "civil" western world. Of course the east is not so different from the north and south for insanity is boundless.

A throw of caution to the wind to the curious reader

This is the eternal desert, snowflakes beware of the desert life, their thirsty and will drink you dry as you melt. So tread carefully.

Speak true!

I won't tolerate a lie. I try to be as brutally honest even if it humiliates my ownself entirely, so you're no less safe from my honesty. I am here to be illuminated.

You may not approve of what I have presented beyond this brief intro. I only practice the rights of what I have naturally been bestowed upon since birth just like everyone still has the free choice to get those rights back into their own hands. Something I wish to help provide(link in bio).

I will not be held responsible for melting snow.

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Get to know very well what this is

She's climbing out of the well now. She is coming for us all, and it was us all who threw her in. She fell to the bottom and was embraced by the cold water below.

During her first push, her nemesis wasted no time in spreading lies to seal off the well and fear propaganda to steer away curious adventurers.

So deep she fell, that many more heads in the world above now looked down at their feet, rather than in each other's eyes because of shame. Guilt has brought in the shoulders of millions, for it layed a heavy burden on their chest. The lungs collapsing under the pressure, and very little amount of people actually breathed correctly. Thus, the lack of oxygen to the brain turned the masses into submissive creatures to the dark forces.

Over time, they learned to provide themselves with false happiness. What the material world provided to ease their self inflicted insanity, they took. As fast as they could they ran away in every direction with their wants, and all whilst she was still suspended in the fall.

But not all were guilty at first. They in turn became victims of the violence that ensued from the run-aways. Wars were hated and hatred hatched more wars. The innocent forced to participate in the bloodshed of their own kind, directly and indirectly. Pf those whome resisted, were met with more violence as they were pushed into forced labor camps, solitary shells and confined spaces. Housing became smaller and smaller till tiny homes were ideal and a blessing to have.

The world was thus turned into a planetary prison that was also a farm for only the agents of pure evil to live in abundance. And they were kept there to be in thriving conditions, by their slaves.

Behold now for her unmatched beauty is free to walk the earth once again. Naked and bare for all to see and she walks now towards us all to put to the test our souls.

Some say she was late to arrive. Other's say she came in time. She was never left behind, for many have thrown themselves into the well after her. Was this how she climbed out of the well, climbing top of the self-sacrificing angels who searched for her wisdom?

Was there no rope long enough to save her? Did she even need saving?

It matters not now. She is here. Starring at us in the eyes directly. And many still do not see her for they are still on their knees, idolizing, shoulders bent in, looking down, praying for salvation.


Reliving the trauma on my terms

I grew up in a catholic home. Mother and father both being devout catholics and so was all my aunties and uncles. Missing mass on Sunday was never an option for my household. I attended their Sun|deos schools under the fear of brutal punishment.

After the religious indoctrination center for the catholic, I and many others were made to memorize many prayers and rituals that were to take place during mass. Preparing us all into being obedient to the "all powerful and mighty creator" and to idolizing saints. We were steered away from studying astronomy, claiming that it was the devil's work.

I never believed in what they taught me. Only knew that if I didn't do what they did, I would be in a heap of trouble.

For years I spent going there, never it being my own choice. I was a slave, being dragged into the slaughter house.

Luckily... I had secretly grown fond of reading history and philosophical novels and lectures. Everything I could get my hands on that was contradictory to what I was being taught in these institutions, i took it. Sometimes, without paying for the books.

I was then a book theif and reading the bible was very unappealing to me, but read it I did anyways, for I felt that it would come in handy later in life.

In regards to reading the bible, everyone claimed to me, that I was reading it in the wrong order. Whilst every distinct one that came to lecture me, had a specific distinct version of reading it that differentiated from the others. It was annoying to say the least.

I read it, in the classical way one reads any book. Left to right. From beginning to end.

I read that oh so holy shit show once, twice then in various parts as I saw fit. For I learned that it held great wisdom hidden in plain sight that helped me deal with insanity of the world around me. And that is what triggered me to search for more.

Why was almost everything written within, being written in such an artistic manner, hiding truth in parables. I never took the writing literal. There had to be more to this.

Then one day, by fate perhaps, I met along my spiritual path, a friendly traveler and he showed me something that changed my view of catholicism forever.

He showed me, what they refused to show me. What they denied to see. And a deep anger started to build inside for I realized how much I have been lied to about the religion forced upon me.

It was, is, to me now, of all religious institutions, a conjuction of sinister cults being utilized to control the masses.

But I still had to attend. I still had to go. But with more opened eyes, I could see right through them all. And my rebellious ways to civil disobedience had only just begun for many barriers and agents of order barred my way out to freedom.

Fortunately, this friendly traveler assured me to stay strong and that one day, my success will not be forgotten and the dead will envy me for doing reaching it.

Dear reader, I will be sharing something with you all, in a different post with author rewards set to burn, for what I am to show you, has not been written by me at all. The aim is not to seperate you from the spiritual connection, but to enhance it. And it will not be easy for most, but I sense it will spark great controversy either way. I hope... to see you there.

A glimpse of what is to come:


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  ·  10 months ago  ·  

Very interesting post, matey !

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