2 Cents Or Non-Sense? - Fighting Abuse - Delegation - Vote Trails - A Permanent Public Mute List

in blurtlife •  3 years ago 


Why can we not all use the utc as standard popular way to tell the time?

Having times zones is ridiculous!

Why we put so much stress over our selves as a mass collective in having to tune our clocks when we can just use one time and be done with it.

Also the one that designed the clocks to auto adjust to the zones, wasted their time in my opinion. Probably about 1 hour.


Going back in time through my days, I recall the old ways. Eating my trays, I embarked on empty greys.

Those weys, they didnt seem to mind their pays. They wanted more than just plays.

Eating a bowl of Special K's, more frosted than ice bays, was an ancient man whose seen the better days.

Remembering what the greys looked like. He dazes off into a imaginary trance on his bike. Bat wrong and you will get a strike.

He sees the past, the reflectiveness, the suns rays entering his perspectiveness.

What more could we accept from this kindness? Eternal forgiveness? Will chesed get no bless? Yes?

What did we miss? Where was the bliss? Excuse me Miss, whatever happened to the liberty to piss? Or did you want this diss over your computer des... woah woah relax there press.

It was only a jest. Lets lay this to rest.

Shall we? Say yes in french? ...
...Lets see.

Lets be, the ones to eliminate this stench.
We shall resist their ax swings at our bench. We will be the ones to never flinch as we shoot down the false pretenses within their trench.

We shall put up the boards together, No matter the weather, The heavier the better, the more wetter they get the better their knecks break from the lynch.

One by one, inch by inch. Ah this is wrong, what is happening give me a pinch. I've been framed to have won.

The blood on our hands. The beats of the bands. The dipping sands and the lava glands below the demands.

It expands to a new idea not so old. It will be hard to have it not sold. The move was bold but the night will hold. The air was cold. And to obey we were told. To all they said from the fold, We would be new mold.

From then on we hold not onto our hats, but to our bats. No more soft pats. count them gram fats. They will sweat them all panicking over this cat. Bend over and get our mats. Were also going to need hazmats.


Is time running out for humanity?


I watch this this show daily now. Learned alot and yet know very little to nothing. Very exciting content about our known universe.

For you Hivers, there is this profile has it posted daily aswell.



Getting serious now.

2 Cents Or Non Sense


I predict that more users will begin to, at the least, check once a day for abuse, and this will thus create a very healthy environment.

Will that type of behavior, from the multitude of the masses here on blurt, cause enough real change that will soar this new nation (blurt.blog) to the most top?

I believe so.

It is here also that I too find delegations as a form of responsibility. A responsibility that I find not everyone can handle. Not everyone is going to play the favor for all but to the one being delegated.

We can see this happening on steem and hive as well. This platform is no different as it stands except for the fact of that none can rob from the street performers hat (ie. DV).

As for fighting abuse on the platform (since we have no dv, but something better), simply stating not to vote such and such content because of indefinite, undoubtedly, undeniable evidence of xyz, is not sufficient enough to combat abuse at this massive scale. A blacklist integrated into the front end would be required, imo.

Having to constantly comment on abusers continues posting of abuse is a huge hassle and a waste of time in part. Depending on the type of abuse, I find it wise to have a set of distinct guidelines on how to respond the abuse and the abuser.

like a 1 2 3 strike your out. Prove your worth by trying again with making no abuse or make a new account and make new authentic content or get the 1 2 3 uppercut again.

So should We have a Public blacklist which people can voluntarily follow that will have the abusers on a permanent mute on such and such abuser accounts?

I think so.

What are We to do to combat this?

Something such as remove the UV option to these abusers (that have been proven guilty past the 1 2 3 strike system I vaguely mentioned above)?

I would be completely against removing UV option from users of it removes their freedom of speech. Unless of course, if they are proven to be a menace towards this system such as scamming, continued plaigerist, etc., then I see no issue with removing the UV option, and adding them to the Public Mute List (PML). PML is not to be confused with Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy.

(Which by its own definition is pretty funny when trying to connect it with the mute list. imo)

the problem with removing UV is it requires forking and that will be alot of work for the devs. Which we need more of.



Fighting Abuse

It has come to my attention by @imransoudagar that we already have an account that has a list of users that are the prime problem to the growth of everyones wallet.
How active is this account pointing the abuse? Not so much at the moment imo. BUT I aim to bring into action. Why not so much? Because there is alot of abuse and very few people on the task to combat it.

Abuse (Spam, Scams, Plaigerism, Etc) looks ugly from an investors perspective and also from the pov of the serious author. If we all let this get out of hand we will all be hurt by it.

A potential future author or investor missed because of excessive abuse on our platform. Nobody really wants that, except those that support abusers (stockholm syndrome?) and abusers themselves.

What I am calling out here is not to the people making the abuse, but to the rest of people. The 10k active users we have now.

Yes 10k. Thats over nine thousand.


With an increase of users you best belive there will be heavy traffic of abusers ready to milk the system we have built for the many free individuals here.

Who really wants to jump into this blurt pool when it is packed with leaches and vampires?

No one.

But this is an amazon rain forest and leaches will exist. So we must tread carefully and check for abuse before we vote.

As we are reading this, a fellow witness is putting together a post that will contain the tools you need to help fight this forever ongoing problem.

We know it will never stop and we will never be able to stop it entirely. No chain can. But we can certainly keep their numbers down. And we need YOUR HELP.

We are not asking to take a full time position fighting abuse. No. We are asking that you check one post. Once per day. everytime you curate.

Find something? Good, report it in the discord under the channel #report-abuse-or-appeal. We may put up a specific website to fill out a form for the abuse you find in the future. To help ease the efforts a bit.

Not convinced? There is money in finding abuse. Making a post on the abuse you find can be rewarded with upvotes by the community. Think about that. People will really appreciate it the efforts.

"An apple a day will keep the doctor away", is the same motto I am giving here. Fighting abuse daily will keep thieves at bay.

There is war on our shores people. Don't let them invade our homeland. We need you on the front lines. Are you fit enough to help? Then hop on Blurts Official Discord so we can talk it over. We will do our best to answer all the questions you might have regarding blurt.blog



I'll be brief here. Since this is being debated as we speak.

Delegations. Are they good or are they bad?

Is a gun bad or is good?

The gun is a tool. As is the delegation. It is how we use it that matter. Is it going to be used for selfish intents or to bring wealth to the community?

Right now, there is a proposal have it removed. If this is what the public wants then this will require yet another hardfork. So if it does go through, dont expext it to happen soon. Hardforking is no easy task and may have consequences in removing auch a feature. It can effect the price movement.

Will not having delegations create bad behaviors? (vicious circle vote jerkers)

Quite possibly. Thus a different problem for the chain may arise.

I dont think many who are voting to remove it or for it to stay actually know the full details to what delegations true power holds. I don't think you need to anyways. But knowing who is holding the gun, how they are behaving with the gun is a crucial step to knowing whether or not to give delegations.

Voting Trails

Manual curating brings in more rewards, but not everyone has the time to curate properly, and not everyone that does curate actually checks to see if they are giving away their UV to leaches and vamps.

It is through Curatoring that these delegators get most of their profits.

In Hive there is hive.vote where one can set up a trail so people can follow. The vote trail is simple. You follow a vote trail and votes haplen automatically as the curator does his/her votes. Basically the curator votes on a post and the ones on the list of followers follow suit behind the curators vote.

Blurt does not have this system. YET. And I for one find it a necessity. Choose your curator wisely folks.

The Mute List

We have a mute list. And it is growing. The mute list contains specifically the names of abusers.

Muting is another way to combat abuse. Find an abuser? mute and report. you will no longer have to see this abuser and thus not have to upvote. That UV could go better to the accounts that actually try and show their hard work for this platform. Rather then at the hands of a leach who cares not about your well being but to suck you dry.

The mute list I am referring to will contain ONLY abusers.


Thanks for reading in. I will reblurt the post by the witness I mentioned above once it is ready.


All Images were made by me using Imgflip.com


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It keep us afloat

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My votes:


This list is subject to change without notice as I see fit. If you feel lazy about it... Then keep reading.

More about what a witness is here

You can proxy someone to vote for you. This person would then be like a ambassador or representative to vote on a witness on your behalf. It's completely voluntary.

Just scroll to the bottom of the witness page and choose either


  1. Vote for someone on the list
  2. Proxy vote (the lazy man's way out of duty)

If you are a witness that is free speech friendly and respects decentralization, I want to get to know you a little.


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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

We have to be very careful with lists.

They can also be abused.

As they are abused on Hive.


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

My personal list, which will be my mute list that I will share publicly, will only include users that have been proven withiut a doubt to be toxic towards this community.

Users who do the obvious abuse, ie: Scammers, Spammers, Plagiarists, Con artists, psychopaths, sociopaths, people who threaten others lives with real intent to act on it, pedophiles, etc!

I don't care about being included in someone elses blacklist. Because I know ME and ME not a bad man.

Bad men are harmless. They are the snowflakes. the demons. and love control over others. Because they are weak.

Good men are not harmless. They are dangerous. A monster. And in control of themselves, and thus cannot be controlled. They are usually the troublemakers of society. But are civilized monsters, voluntarily.