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Bienvenidos a mi blog
Hello everyone, I was planning to write to you again. In previous posts I had informed you that I was processing my medical insurance, I paid almost six hundred thousand pesos and I was sure that they were going to activate it again. What a surprise when I arrived at the insurance office because I was going to formalize the activation of the insurance. I was informed that I had to go to Cali to an IPS where I had to formalize the insurance. I went to Cali and arrived at the office where the IPS works and the person in charge told me that I had to pay three hundred and twenty thousand pesos to activate the insurance. I felt so bad that I felt nauseous, dizzy, and my blood pressure was elevated. I took out my blood pressure monitor and measured it. I carried the digital blood pressure monitor on board. I did indeed have high blood pressure. I took the medication and it went down. The attendant asked me to calm down and I explained that I had been trying to get my insurance activated for several days so I could be treated.
Hola a todos tenía planificado volver a escribir para ustedes. En post anteriores les habìa comunicado que estaba tramitando el seguro médico, pague casi seiscientos mil pesos y tenìa la seguridad que me lo iban activar nuevamente. Cual es mi sorpresa cuando llego a la oficina de seguros porque iba a formalizar la activaciòn del seguro. Me informan que debo ir a Cali a una IPS que es donde me corresponde formalizar el seguro. Me dirigí a Cali llegue a la oficina donde funciona el IPS y me sale la encargada que debo pagar trescientos veinte mil pesos para que me activen el seguro. Me sentì tan mal que me dio nauseas, me dio mareo, y la presiòn arterial sentìa que la tenia elevada. Saque mi tensiometro y me la medì. Cargo a bordo el tensiómetro digital. Efectivamente tenìa la presión arterial alta. Me tomè el medicamento y fue bajando. La encargada me pidiò que me calmarà y le explique que tengo varios dìas en esto tratando de que me activen el seguro para poder ser atendido.
The manager explained to me and said, "Sir, until you pay the difference, they are not going to activate anything. As I could I came and I felt defeated. It is normal that emotions get mixed up and everything happens. I know that more than anyone as a doctor and as a human being I reacted that way but then I was able to come to my senses. I managed to calm my emotions, when I left and before getting on public transportation I sat on a bench and there I took a deep breath and asked God not to abandon me, that I would give him my problems and that he would help me to return to my country.
La encargada me explico y me dijo señor hasta que usted no pague esa diferencia no le van activar nada. Como pude me vine y me sentìa derrotado. Es normal las emociones se mezclan y da de todo. Eso lo sè màs que nadie como mèdico y como ser humano reaccione de esa forma pero luego pude entrar en cordura. Logrè calmar mis emociones, al salir y antes de subir al transporte pùblico me senté en un banco y allí respire profundo y le pedí a Dios que no me abandonarà que le entregaba mis problemas y que me ayudara a regresar a mi país.

In the evening I started to bleed from the nose, I was in the presence of epistaxis, I put my head back for several hours, it did not obey for me it was the blood pressure that rose and broke the blood vessels that are located in the nasal cavity either in the anterior or posterior part. I then applied compression to the nostril where I was bleeding. And finally I applied ice to see if the blood vessels were vasoconstricted. To no avail, I sent for a vitamin K. I put it on my thigh. I put it on my thigh. And little by little the bleeding started to stop. Thank God for that.
En la noche empecé a botar sangre por la nariz, estaba en presencia de una epistaxis, coloque la cabeza hacìa atràs, por varias horas, no obedecìa para mi fue la presiòn arterial que se me elevo y rompió los vasos sanguíneos que se ubican en la cavidad nasal ya sea en la parte anterior o posterior. Luego aplique compresiòn en la fosa nasal por donde sangraba. Y por ùltimo aplique hielo para ver si los vasos sanguíneos sufrian vasoconstricción. Fue inútil, mande a comprar una vitamina K. Me la coloque en el muslo. Y poco a poco el sangrado comenzó a ceder. Gracias a Dios.
After applying the vitamin K and stopping the bleeding I remembered that a Venezuelan friend of mine who works in Calì had told me that I could travel by plane even if my passport had expired, and that because of my condition they accepted it because I could not travel by land and I had to endorse it with a medical report. I have a well specified and substantiated medical report. Then I called a Colombian gentleman who became a friend and has helped me a lot with the paperwork and I told him about the insurance and the possibility that I could travel to Venezuela. Since he is Colombian, he knew that there was this foundation and the ticket is very cheap and costs 240,000 pesos. My friend told me to wait for me to visit you to talk about your possible return to your country and about the money you paid for the insurance. Waooooo my soul came back to my body, I felt more hopeful, and with energy I could not believe it, new hope for the possibility of returning to my country.
Luego de aplicarme la vitamina K y detener el sangrado me acordé que una amiga venezolana que trabaja en Calì me habìa comentado que podìa viajar en aviòn aunque tuviera el pasaporte vencido, y que por mi condiciòn lo aceptaban porque no podìa viajar pòr tierra y tenìa que avalarlo con un informe mèdico. Cuyo informe mèdico lo tengo bien especificado y fundamentado. Luego llamè a un señor colombiano que se hizo amigo y me ha ayudado mucho en tràmites de papeles y le comente lo sucedido del seguro y la posibilidad de que pueda viajar a Venezuela. Y el como es colombiano sabía que existìa esa fundaciòn y el pasaje es super ecònomico cuesta 240 mil pesos. Me dijo el amigo esperame que voy a visitarte para hablar sobre tu posible regreso a tu paìs y sobre el dinero que pagaste en el seguro. Waooooo me volviò el alma al cuerpo me sentí màs esperanzado, y con energìa no lo podìa creen nuevas esperanzas para mi, la posibilidad de volver a mi paìs.

The man came to visit me and we talked and made a few phone calls making contacts and was able to locate the foundation that takes care of the trips at a lower cost. Then he called the insurance company and they told him to go to the office the next day with the person who has the problem. The friend, as he has a vehicle, told me that tomorrow we will go out to do the necessary steps to find a solution to the problem of the trip to your country and to get your insurance money back and reimburse you.
El señor me vino a visitar dialogamos hizo algunas llamadas haciendo los contactos y logro ubicar la fundaciòn que se encarga de los viajes a menos costo. Luego llamò al seguro y le dijeron que pasara al otro dìa por la oficina con la persona que tiene el problema. El amigo como tiene vehículo me dijo mañana salimos hacer las diligencias para buscar soluciòn a lo del viaje a tu país y que te devuelvan el dinero del seguro te lo reembolsen.

My friend Genaro went to pick me up the next day and we went to the foundation and they put me on a waiting list to call me five days before the trip was planned, then I paid and they gave me the tickets. I have faith that they are going to call me and they gave me priority because of the illness I am suffering from and I have not been able to be attended by specialists and because of the lack of insurance. Then we went to the insurance company to process the money. My friend talked to the person in charge and they are going to expedite the processing of the money as soon as possible.
El amigo Genaro al otro dìa me fue a buscar fuimos a la fundaciòn y me anotaron en una lista de espera que me llamaran cinco días antes que se planifique el viaje, luego pagué y me dan el tickets. Por allí estoy con fe de que me van a llamar me colocaron prioridad por la enfermedad que estoy presentando y que no he podido ser atendido por especialistas y por la falta de seguro. Luego fuimos al seguro para tramitar lo del dinero. El amigo hablò con la persona encargada y van agilizar el trámite del dinero lo màs antes posible.

All my hopes and faith are in God. He is very great and merciful. I like to write because I feel more de-stressed, it is a way to drain what I carry inside in relation to emotions. My wife told me not to despair when you get to Venezuela you have to contact your medical specialist colleagues to be evaluated. Anyway I will be back in my country and part of my family is in Caracas where I will seek medical help. I do not wish this to anyone, poor compatriots, fellow countrymen who are in some countries going through calamities. May God protect us all. The glory is God's.
Todas mi esperanzas y mi fe la tengo puesta en Dios. Es muy grande y misericordioso. Me gusta escribir porque me siento màs desestresado, es una manera de drenar lo que llevo por dentro en relaciòn a las emociones. Mi esposa me dijo no te desesperes al llegar a Venezuela tienes que contactar tus colegas médicos especialistas para que seas evaluado. Como sea voy a volver a estar en mi país y parte de mi familia está en Caracas allí buscarè la ayuda mèdica. Esto no se lo deseo a nadie pobres compatriotas, paisanos que están en algunos países pasando calamidades. Que Dios nos proteja a todos. La gloria es de Dios.